Dot x Kiko || Dotiko / Diko

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Sophie: Tedros, why do you keep watching the berries & cream ad over and over?

Tedros: it's amusing. 

Agatha: It's weird.

Sophie: *sighs and crosses arms* Anyways, let's just find the ship. 

Dot: is the world flat?

Anadil: *groans* We already TALKED about this Dot!

Hester: Dot. No. The world is NOT flat. 

Dot: I don't understand.

Hester: Sometimes, things just don't appear the way you want it to be. 

Dot: Hm.

Anadil: So inspirational. 

Hester: *grins* I know. 

Beatrix: Are we quoting our favorite quotes? Mine is, "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." - Louisa May Alcott, Little Women. Ah! I love that book! 

Kiko: Book? I though it was a movie?

Agatha: Wait, how'd we get a device to watch a movie??

Kiko: Oh, well, since Me gave us phones, she-

Reena: Ehm, remember? She apparently goes by stool/stools 😒

Kiko: Oh...ummm...stool decided to give us computers and technology stuff. all that yadayada.

Nicola: Anyways, my favorite quote is, "Why, sometimes, I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." It's from the book, Through the looking-glass by Lewis Carroll. 

Anadil: Welp. Mine is, "When you play the game of thrones you win or die." It's obviously from A game of thrones, by George R.R. Martin.

Hester: I guess we're saying our favorite book quotes. I guess mine has to be, "It was a pleasure to burn." - Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451. 

Dot: ooh! me next! "But soft! What through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." - William Shakespeare, and from his BEST book, Romeo and Juliet!

Kiko: I like that one too. *smiles* Mine HAS to be, "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches." from the Princess Bride, written by William Goldman!!! It's a must read definitely. 

Reena: I wanna be included. Mine is definitely, "And my the odds be ever in your favor." - Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games. I absolutely DEVOURED that book. The movies were also good. 

Dot: I also eat my books.

Reena: I didn't actually mean literally-

Agatha: My turn!!! Mine has gotta be, "Just like a murderer jumps out of nowhere in alley, love jumped out in front of us and struck us both at once." - Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.

Tedros: How do you guys even remember those????!!!??! I gotta take out my book. *takes out a book out of nowhere* "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody." - J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye. 

Sophie: You guys have boring quotes. Mine is, "Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing." from the book, The picture of Dorian Grey, written by Oscar Wilde. Now be grateful I didn't do a quote from 50 shades of grey 🙄-

Beatrix: Wait wat.

Hort: My turn! M-

Hester: Found the ship!

Hort: Wait-

Dot: Read it please.

Hort: What about me-

Sophie: *pats Hort's shoulder* Next time, dear.

Hort: *huffs and mumbles* Why is it always me?

Nicola: Alright. Dotiko!

Dot: I'm in the light!!!

Kiko: how are you not blinded-


Sophie: We're not even in gacha!

Dot: Shoosh. 

Agatha: okay! we're rating and getting this foolishness over with!

Sophie: It's arlight. 6/10.

Hester: Can't see it.

Anadil: Same. 0/10

Hort: They seem cute. 9/10.

Tedros: Yeah, they're pretty similar in ways. 8.4/10

Nicola: They seem good. 8/10.


Hester: *sighs* Ugh she's here.

Me: Get ready for the Hogwarts au next time!

Beatrix: The heck is that?

Me: ehehhee you will see...>:)

Tedros: wHaT. 

Sophie: SHOOSHAH i'm watching the summer I turned pretty 🙄

Anadil: you shooshah 😒

Me: EHEM. anyways. goodbye! leave me to cry about the end of the year assessments! 

Hort: oof.

Nicola: I can't relate. 

Me: OKAY BYE >:( *turns into Nun-Chuck from that rise of gru movie and ascends up into the sky*


Tedros: guys, what's Duolingo-

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