Chapter 8 Part 2 A Favor As A Discount.

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(Okay so this is the part-2, do read part 1 ... And like always hope you enjoy the read.)

And so, the awaited day arrived.

"There are no absences today. It appears everyone is present," Chabashira-sensei announced, her confident stride echoing through the classroom. A bold smile adorned her face as she continued, "That's the first hurdle for you leftovers. Are there any questions?"

"We've diligently studied these past few weeks. I don't anticipate anyone failing," Hirata remarked, his smile mirroring the teacher's confidence.

"Oh my. You sound quite confident, Hirata," she replied with a hint of amusement.

With precision, she began distributing the Social Studies papers. Among all our subjects, Social Studies seemed like one where securing marks qwas practically guaranteed.

Switching to E-mode, I shifted my focus entirely to the tests. It was time to transition from the lighthearted persona to the focused individual ready to conquer the battlefield of exams. Though I set it to the lowest level, I knew acing the test would be a breeze.

"Well then, if anyone fails this test, they might just be one of the unluckiest ones. Once it's over, you'll be rewarded with a solitary summer vacation on a deserted island," Chabashira-sensei revealed, injecting a note of dread into our anticipated summer break.

"A vacation?" Ike's surprised voice broke the tense atmosphere.

"That's right. A dream vacation on an island surrounded by the brilliant blue sea," Chabashira-sensei confirmed, her tone almost mocking.

I ignored their antics about swimsuits and focused on the task at hand. When the papers were handed out, I resolved to showcase my abilities.


Finally, the exams concluded. However, it seemed one student might be in trouble-Sudo Ken. Despite knowing I could intervene, I refrained, allowing the plot I had devised to unfold naturally. The discount phase would be crucial to my plan.

Setting aside my scheming, Sudo admitted to not revising his English papers, putting him at risk.


Results Day arrived with palpable tension in the air as Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom, her gaze sweeping over the students. Everyone awaited the announcement with bated breath.

"Sensei, we were told the results would be announced today, but when?" Hirata, our class hero, voiced the question on everyone's mind.

"There's no need to get so worked up, Hirata. You should have passed quite easily," she reassured him, acknowledging his excellence before delivering the news that pierced everyone else's hearts.

"So, when will the results be released?" Hirata inquired further.

"Well, if you'd like, now is as good a time as any. If we waited until after class, we wouldn't have enough time for other procedures," she replied, fulfilling my preconceived prophecy.

Other procedures.

Meaning he didn't make the cut.

"Can you please elaborate, Sensei?" Hirata redirected, asking a question different from his canon self due to his enhanced knowledge. Sadly, it wouldn't be enough.

"Despite what I just said, you don't seem scared at all, eh? Anyway, here are your results, Class-D," she announced, affixing the results on a chart paper to the whiteboard with magnets.

"Honestly, I'm impressed. I didn't think you'd score so well. Many students achieved perfect scores in mathematics, Japanese, and social studies. More than eleven of you, actually," she declared. The mention of eleven brought a subtle smile to my lips. Despite my altered E-mode, I couldn't help but feel remorseful for using Sudo in this endeavor. However, it was a necessary move for my plan.

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