Chapter 5 The Test And Revelation Of S System

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"Kikyo-chan, do you want to stop by a cafe on our way back?" Mei Yang, or Mii-chan, asked her friend Kushida Kikyo, suggesting their usual cafe rendezvous.

"Yup, sure. But wait for a bit, I want to invite one more person," Kushida replied, hinting at another companion. With determination, she approached the person she had in mind.

"Horikita-san, do you want to come with us to the café?" Kushida extended the invitation, her anticipation evident. However, Horikita's response was blunt.

"Not interested," Horikita replied dismissively, declining the invitation in an amusingly straightforward manner.

"I see. I will try inviting you again another time," Kushida said with a helpless smile, her disappointment fleeting. Horikita, noticing Kushida's reaction, intercepted her departure.

"Wait, Kushida-san," Horikita called out, pausing her friend's exit.

"So will yo-..." Kushida began, her tone hopeful, but Horikita interrupted her with a firm refusal.

"Please don't invite me ever again. It's a bother," Horikita stated plainly, expecting Kushida to understand her stance.

Undeterred, Kushida responded with a smile, "I'll invite you again."

"Ayanokouji-kun, now you won't try to invite me, would you?" Horikita addressed me, catching me off guard. Despite the potential consequences, I seized the opportunity to play along, knowing I would face the repercussions later.

"What do you prefer?" I asked cheekily, testing the waters of our dynamic.

"I would prefer not to," Horikita replied, visibly perplexed by my unorthodox behavior.

"So you are saying that you don't need friends for this whole three years?" I prodded, delving into a topic I had previously avoided.

"Yep," Horikita affirmed, her resolve firm, yet I sensed her confusion regarding my intentions.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me a little about yourself in the past?" I inquired, laying the groundwork for my plan.

"What? Do you have a crush on me or something like that?" Horikita questioned, weary of my motives. Sensing an opportunity amidst her skepticism, I ventured forth.

"Well, you are super beautiful and gorgeou -..." I began, only to be abruptly interrupted by a sharp pain.

"Ittai(ouch)," I groaned, caught off guard by Horikita's unexpected retaliation.

"Why did you stab me? Besides, I didn't say I had a crush on you," I protested childishly, deviating from my usual demeanor.

"When?" Horikita's inquiry shattered the silence, prompting me to feign surprise.

"I am asking for evidence. When did I ever stab you? Because I don't recall such memories," Horikita challenged, a lie concealed beneath her words. Her statement triggered a cascade of memories.

"Hmph! You were a FOOL to believe if this world ever has something like HOPE. People LIE almost like breathing. Do you think you can overturn it, huh? ******," echoed the words of someone dear to me, someone who had once disagreed with my ideals.

"Well, I don't have any," I admitted, though I possessed evidence to the contrary. However, revealing it would jeopardize my future plans.

"So were you saying something?" Horikita prompted, her curiosity piqued.

"No, nothing. Okay, I'll go now," I replied, concealing my true intentions as I left the classroom.

As expected, upon leaving the class, I headed straight for the dormitory. Kushida, who was supposed to have left with a friend earlier, seemed to be waiting for someone while leaning against the wall. Upon noticing me, she smiled warmly.

My Mysterious Isekai Story In COTE.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu