“That's because she knows how annoyingly and aggressively possessive you are about her And how she affects you.”

Listening to this he recalled how he had warned guys to not bother her. Or how he has beaten the guy in front of her, for giving her card discreetly. Sighing he nodded to himself agreeing with Kartik. Then looking around, picking his phone he dialled a number after a few round rings he heard a sleepy voice answering the call. 

“hm, who's it?”

“Dad, it's me Abhiraj, assign me another project to lead. I can't lead this one.”

All the haze of sleep dissipated, as Digvijay immediately sat up on bed. Then patted Sanchi who was sleeping calmly. She looked at him as he put the phone on speaker. 

“Why, what's wrong with the project?”

“The project involves mobster, I'm afraid it'll draw my violent tendency.”

Even though he tried best to speak in a normal tone, so that his father won't know that he's drunk. But Digvijay frowned in disappointment then spoke. 

“Let's discuss this when you're sober.”

“I'm not drunk Dad.”

“And it's not night time.”

Before Abhiraj could speak, Kartik snatched the phone from him effortlessly due to his drunkenness and spoke calmly.

“Namaste Uncle, don't listen to his words, he'll lead this project.”

“But what really happened?”

“Nothing uncle, don't worry it's late, please rest and meet tomorrow.”

Digvijay was about to ask more but Sanchi, holding his arm, looked at her as she shook her head in denial. Sighing internally he looked back at the phone then spoke. 

“Alright, take care of him and yourself. Good night.”

“Sure, Good night uncle.”

Saying this he disconnected the call, then looked at Abhiraj and smacked the back of his head sharply. Making him whimper as he looked up angrily at him. 

“What do you want to prove by leaving the project? That you truly feel guilty defending yourself?”

He shook head like a kid in denial making Kartik inhale sharply, he was really at his wit's end with him. Not understanding how to help him or convince him to take his life seriously. 

“Then don't leave the project. And work like before and.”

Before Kartik finished speaking Abhiraj asked with the look of being suffered unjustly. Making Kartik frown in disbelief at his antics. 

“What about the punch I got today? As my friend, aren't you supposed to avenge me?”

“Well, you'll get more thrashing, if you ever meet her brother. So a punch today was.”

"I can bear the thrashing from her brother not him."

"That's ridiculous to hear."

“I don't care, she doesn't forgive me even for my slightest mistake. I won't endure this wound for nothing.”

“So what will you do? beat him too?”

“No, but. I won't let this slide.”

Looking at the determination, Kartik was about to ask more but then saw him falling back on bed with closed eyes. Shaking his head in disappointment he turned around then walked away after making sure there's no more Liquor bottles in the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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