Chapter 1: Packing

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Kyle: Ughh I don't wanna go to this shitty summer camp.. *he groaned as he packed his stuff because Ike and him were leaving tomorrow*

Ike: I know dude... this is gonna suck ass.. *Ike said as his bag of stuff was packed next to him and he was playing games.*

Kyle: I gotta text Stan about this... *he said as he grabbed his phone from his pocket*

                                                                                                  SUPER BEST FRIEND🗣️🔥‼️ (Stan)

Kyle: Guess what dude 😐


Kyle: My mom and dad are gonna send me to a summer camp 💀🤓




*I couldn't help but smile at his response but Ike butted in.*

Ike: Who are ya texting? *he leaned over to see my texts* Ohh it's your boyfriend- *before he could even finish, I cut him off*

Kyle: HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND IKE!! *Even though I couldn't tell the truth to him, I did have a crush on Stan for quite a while now..*

Ike: Damn buddy, chill...




(Easter egg hehe 🤗) *This eventually went for hours, until it turned late.*

Kyle: I'm going to sleep dude.. *yawn*..

Ike: I'm not your dude-

Kyle: Shush. *Kyle went upstairs, went on his phone for a little bit, and then went to sleep.*

"I am not ready for this.."


BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE- *kyle slammed his fist in the alarm, breaking it.*

"Oh well I guess that's another problem to fix.." *he thought to himself as he got up and stretched. He then put on his clothes, brushed his teeth, did his curly hair of a mess, and got his backpack ready. He then head down to the kitchen and made himself some breakfast.*

Kyle: Good morning Ike.. Did you wake up earlier or am I just really slow at getting ready?

Ike: you're just really slow at getting ready.

Kyle: ok whatever.. Well cmon, let's call a taxi. *kyle said as he grabbed his backpack and put it on.*

Ike: Wait! One more game...

Kyle: No Ike, we need to go. Now!

Ike: Okay fine you wannabe Ed Sheeran.

Kyle: IKE! *After getting mad at eachother, they went into the taxi and it started driving to their summer camp. (Don't worry about them, they're brothers so nothing would break them apart.) 🤭

"At least I'll get to see Stan.." Kyle thought to himself as he looked out the window, knowing that he won't see the town for 2 months and a half.

*the only thing Kyle could hear in the car was Ike's phone tapping from playing mobile games, and the faint music coming from the radio. Kyle eventually decided to tell Kenny that he's going to summer camp, just in case if Kenny wasn't going.*
                                                                                                           SUPER BEST FRIEND #2🗣️🔥
Kyle: Kenny, just in case if you didn't know, I'm going to summer camp 💀 #imnotgonnamakeitout

SUPER BEST FRIEND #2🗣️🔥: Oh nice dude! Me too! #youaintgonnamakeitoutwithme

Kyle: Awesome! Also Stan's gonna be there too but idk about cartman. Who cares about him anyways. 🤷‍♂️

SUPER BEST FRIEND #2🗣️🔥: Ok cool man, cya there! 🐁🤓

*kyle smiled and turned off his phone, already feeling sleepy. He then closed his eyes and was getting ready to sleep when..*

Ike: Dude, I don't think it's a good idea to sleep in a taxi dude. *Ike said poking Kyle so he could wake up.*

Kyle: Ike shut up and let me sleep. *he shoved Ike away from him and began to sleep again.*

Ike: Whateverrrr. *Ike said as he then went back to playing mobile games on his phone while you could hear the faint noise coming from his phone.*

*A couple hours later*

Ike: Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. Kyle.


Ike: KYLE WAKE UP! *kyle bolted awake as he heard Ike screaming right in his ear. Kyle then held his hand over his ear which was being screamed at.*

Kyle: Goddammit Ike! You don't need to scream in my fucking ear!

Ike: Well that was the only way I could wake you up, douche bag. Anyways get your lazy ass up, we're here. *kyle looked out the window and there was a big sign that said "Westbound Hill Camp" in bold letters.*

"Great." Kyle thought to himself as he got out of the car, and headed to the giant gates.

Worker: Are you registered in?

Kyle: Yes.

Worker: What's your name and last name?

Kyle: Kyle Broflovski.

*loud ass typing noises*

Worker: Oh, ok! I found you here! Here's your dorm number and your key to the room! Have a great day!

*kyle rolled his eyes as the gates opened and he went inside. There was a bunch of dark and thick trees, multiple camps set up, and a bunch of people. He was looking around for Stan and Kenny. And to his surprise, they were there waving to him. But Kyle saw someone he never ever wanted to see there. Cartman.*

"Fucking great.." Kyle said as he went to Stan,Kenny, and Cartman but avoiding Cartman.

Stan: Yo, hey Kyle!

Kenny: Hi Kyle! (Kenny doesn't have his parka btw, he has a wife beater and some baggy jeans.*

Kyle: Hey guys! *he was happy to see Stan and Kenny, but not Cartman. If you didn't know, Kyle HATED Cartmans guts and Cartman HATED Kyle's guts. But their job was to make eachothers lives a living hell. They would do anything to embarrass one another if they could.*

Cartman: Hey.... Kyle. *cartman said with an evil smirk, like he was planning to do something already.. Kyle glanced at him, his smile dropping and his face was neutral, he said in a monotone voice:*

Kyle: Hey. *the then turned back to Stan and Kenny, his smile was back and he wasn't speaking in an annoyed voice.*

"God, this Jew.." Cartman thought to himself as he crossed his arms.*

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