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Everyone is no where to be found. I've checked their rooms and offices and even down the halls and rooms I haven't been through before. I make my way back up the path from the garden, my stomach finally awake. Breakfast was quick, my stomach in knots. Something doesn't feel right, even in the shadows they seem lonely without Landon stalking in them.

I walk into Jonathan's office and ask for a book, the walls don't even hear me. Maybe all that magic was just from Jonathan. I don't even think I'd be able to pay attention to a book anyways.

Harry has been gone for more than a few days, Jonathan just says that one thing after another has come up. I know I'm not supposed to but I miss him. It feels like a void, like him being away makes the day and nights drag on. I don't bother bugging any of the guys anymore, I think they've grown annoyed of me staring at them and not contributing to whatever they're doing the last few days. Round and round I go walking the house and grounds.

I check all of their rooms before giving up on finding them and just head back outside. I take a small picnic and find any shade I could. Near the redwood trees at the edge of the forest. Looking back at the manner that is just a few bricks and stones away from being a castle. It's been almost 6 months I've been here. Content with my entrapment and impending doom I guess.

I finish the last bit of fruit I cut up and toss the lettuce from a salad I thought I would eat at the small rabbits daring to get close. I can't shake the feeling something's off but I can't figure it out.

After hours of attempting to read I finally lay down my book and head back inside. Finally a familiar face appears. Jonathan opens the door for me as he watches me walk up the cobblestone path.

"I was about to join you, I haven't enjoyed the redwoods in a very long time." He says as he follows me upstairs.

"It'll get dark soon," He nods but doesn't leave me as I make my way back to my room. Before I open my door I turn to him, taking him off guard. "Is everything okay?" He takes a step back not realizing how close he was following me.

"Yes, well," he's at a loss for words as he rubs the back of his neck. "Can we talk? Just for a moment."

I nod asking him if it's okay if we talk in my room, not really wanting to go back and forth up and down the stairs. He follows me in and takes the chair and I the bench in front of the bed. The anxiety in my chest building.

"So?" I cut the silence as he says nothing for a while.

"You've been here for a while." I can tell he's nervous for once as he can't form a complete sentence and keeps restarting. "I well we want to know if maybe-," after he pauses again I find myself getting annoyed.

"I really feel at this point you have nothing to lose asking me whatever you're about to ask." I cross my legs and arms sitting back against the bed.

"Are you okay?" His question stunts me. After I look at him confused he takes a deep breath and asks again. "You and Harry seemed to have had quite the argument a few days ago and he just tells me to fuck off and you haven't been very attentive during your time around us. Did he do something to you?" He asks carefully.

"Harry and I were just, well we had just, i don't know. Whatever it was it is resolved. And to answer your question he did nothing. I over stepped and I understand my place." I regret the last part. This conversation would have been over if I would have just stopped talking.

"Your place?" He pushes and I get up walking around the room trying to not dig either of us in a hole.

"I'm temporary. I'm the fad that will go out of style soon." He didn't laugh at my lame attempt to cut the tension. "I mentioned something and I didn't realize how much I had put it in the back of my mind that I will die soon." He clears his throat and walks over to the windowsill.

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