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The car speeds past another stop sign, i grip the seat belt tighter feeling my fingers starting to cramp. Father David nervously smiles at me through the rear view mirror, his sweat drowning his collar.

No one would tell me where I was going or why I had to pack everything. The sisters just kept coming up to me crying and hugging me. Telling me they will pray for me. That's lovely and all but what the hell am I doing? Am I to be adopted? It can't be that I am too old. Even the 12 year olds have slim odds and me? Well they should be nonexistent.

The sun sets quickly, the fear and adrenaline making me nauseous adding to the anxiety in my chest. It seems like Father has gotten a grip of himself and isn't driving like a maniac but his tears are still visible. So is his silent prayer. I fall asleep never letting go of the seat belt. I have a feeling this isn't going to go well for me, then again when has anything ever gone my way.

Dreams pop in and out from memories. Tending to the little children thrown into the hands of willing, people with hearts to turn no human down from love and a home. Father David said if he had the room and the money, there was no reason to tell a soul they don't belong in the presents of the lord. I didn't see much of the lord most days but Sister Helen said it was because God started my life on the rough side to test my faith . In reality it made me into a see it to believe it kind of person. I have yet to be in his presence.

Metal clashing awakens me and its pitch black all around me, i lean towards the middle hoping the surprise was Disneyland, my subconscious was the only one who laughed at the thought. He stops inches away from an iron gate and shuts off the car.

"Stay here." He looks back at me and all I can do is nod as the anxiety murders any positive thoughts. He walks away from the car into the black of night and I can barely see him. It looks like he's talking to someone but they are too far from the light. He drops to his knees and I start to tear up. His hands begging the person for what? His life, mine? A hand grips his shoulders and Father David nods as he picks himself off the floor and walks towards the car.

I don't dare to unbuckle my seat belt and I try to keep the door locked as he pulls the handle. He pleads for me to open the door but I just beg right back for him to take me home. The same hand pushes him back slightly and the next thing i know is I'm met with blue grey eyes and a smile. Not a welcoming smile, but a smile that can already see the sinister plan he has for me.

"I'm Jonathan." His voice coming in muffled through the car window. "Can you please stop these childish games, the harder you fight the worse it gets." My heart drops as his words are so calm and soothing but their meaning tells me this is it. This is how it ends.

There's no growing old with grandchildren running around or kids to hold your hand and praise you for the strength you've passed on. It's just here and now a short 18 years of life, no experiences to account for or to be remembered by. Just the story of being abandoned by your birth mother and given to random strangers in a church.

The other door opens and I start to scream. Father David tries to calm me down as he pulls my bags out and reaches for the seat belt buckle. "Briana please." The screaming stops and I grab his hands pleading for him to take us home. "Briana this is..." he pauses trying to keep himself together. "This is your home, these people need you." My door opens and the tall man pulls me out of the car as if i was just a piece of lint, flicking me to the ground.

He grabs the collar of my shirt, dragging me along with him. My legs find no strength to keep up with his long stride. I try to pry his hand from me but it's like cement to my body. "Please, please let me say goodbye." He stops and looks down at me. His eyes annoyed and bored as he rolls them.

He leans into my face. His grip pinching my chin tight enough to make me whimper. "You run and there will be pain, not for you but for him." He looks towards Father David. I look towards him holding my bags, too stunned to move. I nod and he unhands me. My knees scrape against the gravel and I run back to his open arms. Crashing into them with all my strength.

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