Chapter 2

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"I'm really tired of this, Tony." McGee slammed the door of the NCIS truck and headed for the elevator.  "All you've talked about all week is this girl."

"I'm telling you, McGee, she's the one." Tony said, jogging a few feet to meet McGee at the elevator.

"You think that, but the second you see another woman this weekend your opinion is gonna change and I'll have to spend all of next week hearing you say the same exact things about a completely different person."

The elevator doors opened and they boarded.  McGee hit the button for the third floor and the doors shut.

"But you won't.  I'm seeing her again tonight."

McGee side-eyed his coworker. "But you never see the same woman twice."

"Thats what I'm telling you." Tony gushed. "I really do think this is it for me."

McGee rolled his eyes. He's heard of all this from Tony before.  None of it meant anything. 

"Come Monday morning you'll be telling me all about a new woman."

"We'll see." Tony smiled.


"I'm so glad we could do this," Lorraine smiled.

"Me too." Tony grinned.  He set down his menu and reached his hand across the table, taking Lorraine's. 

"So, how was work?" Lorraine asked.

"It was good. You know the drill." Tony said.

"I don't really." Lorraine said.  "We've only been dating a week."

Tony thought a moment. "Right, I guess you don't know much of what I do."

How was he so rusty at dating for real?

"Well," He started.  "I'm an investigator for NCIS."

"NCIS?" she asked.

"Naval Criminal Investigative Service." Tony said. Why has no one heard of it?

"So you're a cop?" Lorraine questioned.

"Navy cop, yeah."

"Oh," was all Lorraine said.

The rest of the night Tony struggled with details of his life, but Lorraine seemed to eat it all up.  He didn't like talking about himself but Lorraine seemed to bring it right out of him.  She was falling, he could tell.  And she was too cute for him to not feel something special about her.


Twenty-two?" Ziva laughed.  "You are dating a woman who is still in college, Tony?"

They were on their way to pick up a witness to be questioned.

Tony sighed, wondering why he even bothered to tell Ziva about this.  Probably because he knew she'd laugh at him, and damn if that smile didn't get him through his day. Or at least through this drive, because when Ziva drove, no one was safe.

"She's taking a course or two." He admitted defeatedly.

"But she's twenty-two."

"You're twenty-nine." Tony countered.

"For 1 more month." Ziva said. "You are Forty, Tony. I am just saying, maybe she is a little young for you."

"And you aren't?" Tony asked.

Ziva pressed the gas pedal even further to the floor and Tony knew he'd asked the wrong thing. He didn't know what he was doing comparing Lorraine to Ziva to her face.

Just Go With It- Tiva EdiitonWhere stories live. Discover now