Chapter 17: A Talking Bandicoot

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(3rd Person's POV)

(Y/N)'s eyes shot open as she couldn't believe what she had just heard, the two pulled away as the girl stared at the big Bandicoot in disbelief. She was about to say something about it, but Crash stopped her by raising his finger and making a small shushing sound. The girl felt like she had just swallowed her tongue, she was completely speechless.

"D-...Did he just...TALK?!" she mentally screamed.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Coco asked, worriedly. Shaking her head, (Y/N) snapped out of her trance and looked at the blonde.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Well, bye, guys!" she waved and turned around. As she was about to jump into the portal, she glanced from her shoulder to see everyone seeing her off, but her eyes focused on Crash, who was standing a little further.

He smiled and raised his hand to do a phone motion next to his ear and mouthed 'Call me".

"Oh yeah, he definitely talked!" the girl thought, she gulped and quickly ran by jumping into the portal.


6 months later...

"'Dingo's Diner' is back and ready for you! Say g'day to delectable dishes inspired by my interdimensional travels! Enjoy the breeze with our innovative three-wall dining room design! 'Dingo's Diner': health and safety rated 'D' for 'Delicious'!" Dingodile spoke in his commercial that was aired on the diner's TV screen.

"More 'Snake Kebab', (Y/N)?" Dingodile asked as he approached the girl's table.

"No, thanks. I must head back home now; it's been about 6 months since I left" (Y/N) shook her head with a smile, then dug her hand into her pocket and took out some money, giving it to Dingodile.

"A'ight, thanks for comin'! You be returning home safe now!" he said, waving to the girl as she grabbed her stuff and left the crowded diner.

(Y/N) let out a deep breath as a smile was drawn on her face knowing that she's finally going home after travelling, and collecting everything that could come in handy for her family. She travelled back to the worlds she was in before, but this time she didn't have to hurry and chase after a mad human scientist and stop him from taking over the world. Between the worlds she had visited, she loved the ocean, even stole a ship from the rat pirates and sailed across the ocean! Running between the soft sand of Arabian deserts and climbing mountains to watch the enchanting sunset and stargaze at night! She even visited Nana in the snow world and brought her a gift as a thanks for taking her in when she was in her worst state. She also went back to Neon City and took her sweet time exploring it and bought some new clothes for her and her family. It was about time they wore something other than clothes made out of grass and leaves.

And now her last stop was the swamp where Dingodile's restaurant for one last dinner before finally heading home. However, she couldn't stop thinking about Crash and how he actually can talk. Why was he hiding it? Who is he really? The girl soon realized that she didn't really know him at all! Though his deep and charming voice made her stomach spins and flips and twist around like crazy! He told her to call him, yet she didn't even dare raise her cell phone and call. She only talked to either her parents, Tawna, Coco, and Crunch. She wondered if Tawna knew about this, but it doesn't seem like she does. (Y/N) couldn't just talk to him normally because she still can't comprehend that he talked normally like everybody else, she had trouble understanding his gibberish words!!

(Y/N) groaned and then she took out the teleportation device and threw it on the wooden plank, creating a portal for her. She smirked as she jumped through it and disappeared.

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