Chapter 6: To the Wasteland!

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(3rd Person's POV)

Coco was sitting outside the house using her tablet with Aku-Aku, while Crunch was working out. When suddenly, a portal appeared, getting the three's attention as Crash and Ava jumped out. Crash fell face first on the ground while Ava landed successfully.

"Hey, you're back!" Coco cheered. Ava crossed her arms and glared at them; Coco smiled sheepishly. "Er, sorry about the whole thing...".

The girl sighed, her glare turned into a sad frown, and uncrossed her arms. "No, you know, I should be sorry for the trouble I caused you. If it weren't for you crashing Doctor Cortex's laboratory that day, I probably wouldn't have seen the light. I just want my freedom and find out who I really am".

"Well, Ava, you must know that we're here for you, and we want to help you. But can you help us?" Aku-Aku asked. Ava thought about it for a moment, all eyes were on her as they waited for an answer. It didn't take long until Ava nodded, smiling gently as she agreed to help them.



In another world, in a dark lab in space where the only lights were coming from the machines and screens, and where four evil scientists gathered to plot world domination.

"Uka-Uka unknowingly paved the way for our bright future. Once my rich generator is complete, dominion over all of time and space will be within our grasp! Of course, that would've happened very easily if you hadn't let your test subject escape!" a person who's half human and half clock stated proudly, then glared at Doctor Cortex, who was fixing some things.

"N-Gin, N-Brio, you had some little 'projects' you wanted to tell me about?" Doctor Cortex asked the two, not even sparing them a glance.

"Master, my mechanical marvel can hypnotize you an army!" N-Gin said, grinning evilly. "And my potion will make me, and them unstoppable!" N-Brio added.

"Right, you're fine. Sure. Have fun with your...Ray Guns or whatever" Doctor Cortex dismissed, boredly. While N-Gin and N-Brio started fighting and biting each other.

"Hasten your steps! By my calculations, our enemies are already moving against us, and we will...prevail".


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"So, I'm immune to the 'Cortex Vortex', and a guy named N.Tropy is planning to take over multiverses along with Doctor Cortex, N-Gin, and N-Brio, and turn the world into mindless slaves to obey their commands. And we have to find floating masks to close these magical doors before anything bad happens, and to save the world" Ava said.

"Exactly" Coco nodded.

"Okay, I'm all caught up! So, what are we going to do first? Are we going to another world?" Ava smiled excitedly.

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