Chapter 4: A Fight with the Bandicoot

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(3rd Person's POV)

"You don't remember your real name??" Coco asked in disbelief, and the girl sighed as she shook her head.

"I...h-have been...called b-by that...for years" the mysterious girl stated. "Then, how about we give her a name until she remembers her real one?" Aku-Aku suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Coco smiled, and Crash nodded excitedly. The blonde Bandicoot tapped her cheek as she stared at the fragile girl, humming as she was thinking for a name.

"Hmmm, what should we call you...".

"Ahh hego over tea" Crash suddenly said, making the new friend look at him with a puzzled look on her face. "Really? Hey, you know what? It totally suits her!" Coco beamed; it seemed that she understood him. "I think that's a proper name for her" okay, Coco and Aku-Aku understand him. Poor, clueless female looked at them as the obvious question was written all over her face.

"Then, let's call you...Ava! Ava Bandicoot!" Coco announced, making the girl's eyes widen. "Do you like that name?". Thinking about it for a moment, a small smile appeared on her lips, and shyly nodded.

"Perfect! Now, let's get you changed out of this hospital gown. Crash, where are the clothes?" Coco asked her big brother, as Ava tried standing up. Now, she felt a bit stronger as her legs weren't weak anymore. Crash grabbed the new clothes and held them to her.

"O-...kay" she whispered, then suddenly untied the hospital gown, and it fell on the floor, exposing her completely.

"WOAH!" Crash screamed, covering his eyes which caught the attention of Coco and Aku-Aku as they turned their heads from the sink.

"Woah there, big girl!!" Coco ran to the other side of the counter and covered the girl with the gown. "Oh, my goodness!" Aku-Aku said in disbelief.

"Why did you take it off here?!" Coco asked, and Ava frowned, feeling completely confused. "Didn't to change?" she asked.

"Yeah, but not here!" Coco answered, anxiously. "Come with me to my room, I'll help you. Crash, hand me the clothes". Crash handed Coco the clothes while his eyes were still shut tight, the girl noticed his face was bright pink. She raised a brow in wonder what was wrong with him, or if he was okay. But she didn't get the chance to ask as Coco dragged her out of the kitchen.

"Okay, first, I think you'd like to take a nice hot bath. So, gimme a minute to prepare it for you" Coco said, seating the girl on the toilet, and turned on the water. Once it was the right temperature, Coco helped Ava inside the tub. She hissed in pain due to the scars and bruises on her body, but soon relaxed as Coco helped her wash. The girl felt even better knowing that she's now clean, it's been years since she had bathed. And now that she thought about it, she used to smell as horrid as a corpse, a skunk would probably be the clean one!

Sitting back on the toilet with a towel wrapped around her body, Coco treated her injuries. The white bandages almost covered her entire body like a mummy, but it was fine for her, at least she won't be able to see those hideous scars anymore.

"There you go. Some of your injuries will heal in no time, but some would take a long time to heal because they're severe. Here, these clothes should fit you just right" she handed the former test subject the new, clean clothes. A plain white t-shirt, a pair of army pants, black leather fingerless gloves, some underwear, and combat boots. The furry female took the warm clothes and smiled softly.

"I'll be waiting outside" Coco smiled back at her, getting up and about to leave the bathroom.

"Thank you" the weak girl spoke clearly. Coco turned around and gave her a thump up, "No problem, you're our friend now". She then closed the bathroom door, giving the girl some privacy.

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