Chapter 11: Ice Age

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(3rd Person's POV)

On the way, Ava couldn't stop thinking about what Kapuna-Wa had said. Why didn't she tell her who she was? Why wouldn't she tell her now? Why when the right time comes? When will that time come then? So many questions swarmed all around the girl's head that it made her go slightly dizzy. She felt so many things, yet the one feeling that hurt her the most was being lost.

A girl who had gone through so many awful experiments by crazy scientists who are planning world domination and enslave every creature existed on earth, was lucky enough to be saved by the Bandicoots when death was only a few inches away from her, weird machines and gadgets she had never heard of, and traveling to bizarre worlds that are filled with nothing but trouble and danger lurking in every corner with a magical mask that can talk and fly and control unimaginable things! She has no clue on where's her homeland or if it even existed, she doesn't know her real name, she doesn't have a purpose, she doesn't know if she has a family or friends she used to know, the girl literally knows nothing about herself except for her stupid name that was given to her by the Bandicoots!!

She had to do all these things for them because it was the only thing that kept her mind busy from realizing the horrible reality that she is a lost person who knows nothing about herself, and walking around aimlessly in hope to find anything or anybody that would help her know who she is!

"Ava!" Kapuna-Wa called. Ava looked up at the mask who was staring at her with worry.


"Are you alright, dear? One minute, you were walking and then suddenly you fell on your knees, grabbed your hair and started hyperventilating" Kapuna-Wa said, and then Ava looked down and saw that she was sitting on the ground.

"Maybe we should rest a little?" the floating mask asked, and Ava only whispered one word.




A wooden door of a house opened to reveal an old lady all warmed up in a blanket that was wrapped around her tiny body, in front of her was a skinny, shivering, and exhausted girl who looked like she was on the verge of death as she tried to talk, but the weather was too cold for her to be able to say anything, which caused the old lady to frown.

"Oh dear, you look cold. Please, come in" the old woman gestured for the girl to walk inside her home, Ava nodded as a thank you and walked in. "Sit here, and I'll give you some nice, hot food" the woman said with a smile as Ava sat on a chair that was near the fireplace. Feeling a cover being wrapped around her shoulders, the old lady went to her kitchen while Ava waited as she slowly started to feel warm.

Kapuna-Wa was not around for some odd reason, so it was only the girl alone in the house of a stranger that the mask told her to go to.

"Here you go, child" the woman returned from the kitchen with a tray of hot cooked fish, bread, and some tea and a slice of cake for later. "Thank you, ma'am" Ava said.

"Oh, heavens, I haven't told you my name, have I? Just call me Nana. Now, you start eating before it gets cold while I sew you some winter clothes. The one you are wearing is very unsuitable for this kind of weather" Nana stated, then brought a cart table that had a sewing machine and other supplies. She sat down on the other chair in front of Ava and started sewing.

Ava sighed and began eating the fish, she was surprised by its delicious flavor, and how tender its meat was. She hummed in satisfaction as she slurped on the hot soup that instantly warmed her entire being from the inside as she stopped shivering. Once she finished her food, she grabbed the cake and tea, completely in awe as she stared at the aesthetic appearance of the dessert. She can't recall if she even tried something sweet at the Bandicoots, but this cake looked quite fluffy, and its pink color was rather attractive. Taking the small fork, Ava took a bite of the cake and it instantly melted in her mouth, and her eyes widened at the delicious flavor.

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