The third week is the worst. Not only are they edgy and cranky all the time, but Stiles has the (mis)fortune of catching Lydia naked for the first time since he found her wandering around in the woods long ago. And it was not his fault, not necessarily. Because, you see, ever since Lydia has been staying there, Stiles and Lydia are in sync like clockwork. They get up around the same hour, want to get a shower at the same time, head downstairs for breakfast side by side. They only separate when she has to get ready for school which takes her an hour, and even if Stiles takes that time to constantly yell at her to hurry up, he also reads a comic or tidies his room a little bit – not because of Lydia, of course not.

Their problem for the last few days has been the shower. At first, Stiles would just let Lydia hit it first, being a gentleman and all that. Now, he wants to be the first every other day because she takes so long in the bathroom that Stiles was left with lukewarm, almost cold water two days in a row and it's winter for Christ's sake! And it isn't an unfair request; they're dividing everything else. They could easily arrange for it. Problem is that Lydia doesn't want to, especially because she knows that if she keeps pushing him he'll break eventually and they need to solve their situation asap for the sake of her own sanity.

Stiles has been trying to get to the bathroom before Lydia for the last five days now. He figures that if he's already there, Lydia will have no choice but to let him take a shower first but the sneaky bitch – don't judge him on his choice of words, he's been in a mood nonstop for a week – always gets there first. The thing is that three days ago – again, not his fault – he thought that he'd finally made it. Her bedroom door was closed when he passed by it so he assumed she was still asleep - he might have even performed a little victory dance in the hallway -, but when he got to the bathroom Lydia was already there, bare naked with water dripping from her completely wet body as she was just getting out of the shower. She blushed slightly but didn't let it bother her. She just grabbed a towel to wrap around her frame like it was the most normal thing to do, like Stiles barged in on the bathroom all the time while she was there. She was even about to make a snarky comment at Stiles – who was frozen in place for several seconds, mouth agape, his face completely red just watching her- when he suddenly turned around and left.

And that wasn't even the worst part. That came in the form of Lydia materializing in his room about five minutes later while he was jerking off because of what he'd seen back in the bathroom. She just meant to find him and say that it was okay, that it wasn't a big deal but yeah, she walked in on that – and he's a teenage boy, she should have expected it (and maybe she did). Much like Stiles, Lydia was now the one with red all over her cheeks, biting her lip at the sight of him. She just couldn't look away. And much like Lydia, Stiles kept doing his business even if he was internally freaking out. She stayed for a few seconds before decency hit her and she left, closing the door behind her.

Since then, they have barely spoken and it's weird. Well, weirder, because they are always together, only now they don't talk. They have meals in silence, they go to and from school in silence, they study in silence, they watch TV together in silence – preferably on opposite ends of the couch. They are hurting and it's stupid because they miss each other and the other is right there.

The Sheriff doesn't comment much but still tries to make it work between them. Today, Stiles made an effort to wake up earlier than usual so he can finally hit the shower first; he just heads downstairs to get a glass of water before finally making it to the bathroom. He even has everything with him: fresh clothes, his cologne, a comb (not that he uses it much), even his watch and his shoes - oh, he'll take his time in that bathroom and Lydia will have to wait for him, alright! Finding his dad in the kitchen, the older man teases his son as soon as the boy is done with his water.

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