The Star That Shot Out The Light

Start from the beginning

Iris got quiet and continued to walk along, Gary eyed her suspiciously before finally getting angry that she didn't answer him

"What about you Iris,"

"Oh Well," She started

"Well," Ash added

"Poison Magic, Hair Magic, and Requip Snake Magic, oh nad Dragon Hunter Magic," She said scratching her face

Everyone stared at her for a second

"That's a lot of magic,' They Yelled

'Well I didn't think it was that much," she said silently before walking faster away

The forest got dark, to the point they couldn't see anything at all. They quickly gathered up, Iris who had been a few feet ahead walked backwards till she felt a hard body and grabbed at it.

"Who's got me," It growled out

"Uh, me,' Iris hissed back

"what couldn't resist me huh," It teased back



The forest cleared up, and Trip laid out on the floor, Iris growling over him before stalking away fume coming out her ears. Ash, Gary and Ninf taking off to catch up to her, while Paul, Sniv, and Torta looked at Trip as he sat up.

"Owh," he rubbed his head

"You need to get a grip," Paul said crossing his arms

"On What,"

"Your Crush on the Snake Lady,"

"I Don't not have a crush," he hissed

"Seams like it to me," Torta added

"No One asked you cat,"

"Now Trip don't get mean, just say it you Liikkeee her,' Sniv teased from above his head

"I DO NOT," He screamed his cheeks getting red

Standing up he took off after everyone else his three friends laughing at him as they followed behind, before Paul stopped again, Torta who was still on his head digging his paws into his hair.


before Trip could blink Sniv had him by the shoulders flying threw the forest but before he knew it he was above the trees holding onto one screaming and tossing Iris. While Ash and Paul held Gary up and away from one larger large monster like bolder.

"Ash Take him.' Paul said as him and Torta flew closer to the monster witch was coming at Trip and Iris

"Crap all your yelling got it coming for us," Trip said while Iris still banged around in his arms

"Put me down,"

"You wanna get eaten," Trip said as they flew out of the way while Paul Attacked it and Ash and Gary got away

Soon the two of them where alone, sorta they where a bit off from Ash and Gary and Paul had been getting the monster to follow him elsewhere. Iris had stopped her moving and was staring at the ground below them'

"Put me down,' She whispered

'Why, you cant stay on the ground, the monster will eat you,"

"Id rather be fighting that monster then up here with you,"

"Why is that, what I ever do to you,"

"Your a dragon slayer,"


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