Small Afterparty

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When me and Travis got back to my hotel Ryan and Blake were already there. Talking at the island, I went to say hi before sneaking my way to the bathroom attached to my room.

I was lucky enough not to have anything bleed through but it was a close call. I took care of myself , throwing my underwear in the sink full of hot water. I found myself having no motivation to put nice clothes on again, even though the party was still going. I changed into  sweatpants and a old plain T-shirt.

I stared at myself in the mirror once again, reminding myself of the hours I waisted doing this in previous years. I looked fine, my makeup was still good and i didn't want to put in the effort to remove it right now so I just joined the group in the kitchen.

"Hey guys!" I call, Travis is pouring everyone drinks and I sit down next to Blake.

"Man you look comfy" she groans, running her hands down her own outfit

"I got clothes in my room, feel free to get whatever. I get it" I chuckle and she squeezes my shoulder as she gets up. Travis hands me a glass of red wine and leans over the other side of the island.

"Good game man" Ryan starts,

"Thanks, glad you guys came" Travis go back and forth, rotating between being awkward and having a normal conversation. Im trying to pay attention but the way Trav was leaning made it clear he had muscles under his shirt. His arms seemed huge which I guess made sense as he was a football player. I remember the photos of us and how much smaller I was to him, which made me realize how short my exs all were. I chuckle and Ryan and Travis both stop talking, looking at me confused.

"Sorry, just thought of something" my face goes pink and I hear Blake's footsteps behind me. I turn in my stool, she's found leggings and a sweatshirt.

"This is so comfy Tay. Hope you don't mind me keeping it for a little bit?" She sits down next to me, grabbing the wine that was waiting for her

"No worries, their all yours" I smile at Travis who bends down to grab something quickly. He rounds the island and hands be a little box of dark chocolate. My eyes get watery and I want to cry just by the thought.

"When did you get these?" I ask

"I had them delivered to your room while you where changing" she shrugs, coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my neck. Kissing my head.

"Awe, isn't he the sweetest" Blake says,

"I'll take those chocolates," Ryan jokes, wrapping his arm around Blake

"We look like a bunch of teenagers on a double date" I say, we all burst into laughter at the thought of a bunch of teens on double dates.

"I promise you, teens can't drink like we can girl" Blake raises her glass and I do the same, clicking them together. I take a sip and rest one of my hands on Travis' who's arms where still around my neck.

"We should probably go home soon" Blake says looking at Ryan

"What time is it?" I ask, looking out the windows where the sun was low and the sky was bright

"Late enough for us, I want to get home and call the girls. Their home with the babysitter" I smile, thinking about the kids.

"I forgot you had kids" Trav says

"Yup three girls. James, Betty, and Inez" Ryan beams

"Aren't those...?" Trav looks at me and I nod

"They don't have a Augustine yet." I giggle and Blake looks at me, leaning over to squeeze me knee before getting up.

"And I can keep these right" she asks

"Totally" I stand up with them, Travis pulls his arms away. Ryan helps Blake get her purse and clothes before we head to the door.

"Thanks for inviting us, we had so much fun" Ryan says

"Of course we had fun too!" We all hug goodbye and Ryan and Blake head outside.

The second their gone Travis turns to me and kisses me softly. "You up for a movie?" I nod and he leads me to the living room, not forgetting to get my chocolate.

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