Mr Gorgeous

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The game ended with a bang, they won and I almost lost my voice screaming. Donna and I got along after a while and I felt comfortable yelling and screaming at the game, which made it so much more fun.

"Thanks for coming to the game, you coming to eat with us?" Donna asked and I was so happy to nod and smile

"I'm pretty sure your son invited me" I shrug my shoulders and giggle quietly before we grab our things, lots of people asked for my photo on our way out and it was just so cute seeing them all and how excited they were to see me.

"Hey Taylor can we take a picture?" a little girl asked

"Of course!" I say without thought, getting down lower to her level, her mom taking the picture before someone calls me to keep walking "You guys are adorable, have a great day!" I say before walking off

"Thank you Taylor!" the mom yells after me

I smile and follow a group of people down to the locker rooms, we aren't allowed in, thought I had already been in there for my dressing room when I reformed here so I just stood outside. Away from people cameras, patiently waiting for Travis to talk to the people who start talking to me. I know it was probably odd to see me here when it wasn't for a show and just a regular football game.

I could hear the boys talking through the door and I tried keeping quiet until Travis came out. One guy came out, I didn't exactly know him but he knew who I was and smiled at me before putting his head in the locker room again

"Hey trav, you got someone here" he teases, I roll my eyes at the immature boys and smile as he walks away

before the door closes I hear Travis say something, his locker wasn't far from the door "The Taylor Swift is here" i ear him laugh and hearing him say my name and his voice makes my heart jump, i was about to see him, he was about to be feet away from me. I tried keeping in my excitement.

Travis came out and said goodbye to his teammates, even though we would all be going to the same place, or at least that was what I assumed. he was wearing a blue and white outfit and I couldn't help but stare as my face went a little pink and I actually had to look up to see his face, which I wasn't used to at all.

"It is a pleasure to see you here Taylor, thanks for coming" his voice was low and I tried not to get whisked away in it

"Thanks for inviting me, good game out there" I turned my head to where the field was and he smiled

"Thanks, you hungry? The teams all going out" he asks, so politely

"Sure! Sounds like fun!" we walk away together, trying not to get too close to him. I wanted to grab his hand so badly but held myself back as we approached where the paparazzi started so I couldn't try anything without them catching it. Travis smiled at people and I said hello to people saying hi to me and others that I recognized from when I performed.

"They seem to like you" he whispers as we make our way closer to the exit

"Just people from the sho" I shrug it off and he chuckles

"You look stunning by the way, much cuter than from the stage" I tried looking him straight in the eye as I continued but his smile and my sheepishness stopped me

"Thanks, pretty sure I was standing here when I refused to see your ass" I clap back, his mouth hangs open and he shakes his head in laughter, I try not to giggle as we get to the car. He opens the door for me which catches me off guard and makes sure I don't hit my head.

I sit down and take a breath, putting my head back as he walks around the ca to his side. I lick my lips and shake off my worries, focusing on the task at hand.

He gets in the car and slides in next to me, the tension still hasn't come like I expected it to, just nice silence as I look at him and he looks back at me. I fall into his eyes and forget almost everything until he clears his throat and the car starts. Taking us to the restaurant

"Shouldn't be too long of a drive," he comments

"Alright, I'm starving"

"Taylor," I look back at him, he was looking right at me,

"Yes?" I ask, my heart racing

"It's been really nice getting to know you I think you are amazing in every way. Ever since I saw you on the stage. Do you think we could, you could, be my girlfriend? If something is off for you after a date or two it can be as easy as that. But I really, really admire you." his eyes are practically begging me to say yes but I sit there thinking about it, it was a big question. I did really admire him, he made me feel so amazing, and something about him, his lips, eyes, and mustache, I needed to myself.

"Travis, I-" I sigh thinking again his face shifting "Yes, I'd love to be with you. But I am who I am, and it's hard. We have to take it slow. Tonitht would be great for a group first date" he smiles, his eyes lighting up, and m heart exploding. It felt like thousands of funds had been lifted off my shoulders. I really liked Travis, it felt safe to say yes.

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