Chapter 1. The hendersons

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"Son of a bitch!" Dustin yelled out as he frantically flipped over the couch cushions "son of a BITCH" he yelled out even louder. His mother began to yell at him to stop cursing as he ran past her and up the stairs into his sisters room.

"Dustin what the fuck" Diana said as her brother pushed her to the side. "get out"

"I'm looking for extra quarters" he looked up at her with sad, pleading eyes. This was his way of asking for spare change from the mason jar he knows is under her bed, that he may or may not have found at the beginning of the summer.

"I've given you enough quarters this summer, that I could've bought a car by now dustin"

"Please it's an emergency!" he said dragging out the last word in a whiny voice

Diana then made a taunting whiny noise and pushed him out of the room. Dustin crossed his arms and made the noise back at her before continuing his search. She knew Dustin was scavenging the house to find loose change so that him and his friends could play at the arcade. He did this every Sunday night all summer long and every time without miss he would beg her for quarters.

"You do know you have school tomorrow?" She said, raising her eyebrow as she walked down the stairs seeing her brother tear apart there living room couch... again.

"Your point?" He said as he watched his sister roll her eyes. He waited for her to be completely downstairs before smiling and racing past her back up the stairs and into the girls room. He found the jar of coins and quickly took out a few quarters "what the hell are you doing?" Diana said as she burst back into her room chasing the boy. 

"I'll pay you back!" Dustin yelled out in a panic as he pushed past his sister and flew out of the room.

"Dustin!" Diana yelled out as she turned around and chased the boy down the stairs and out the front door "get back here you little shit" 

Dustin quickly grabbed his bike and started to peddle off fast knowing he didn't have much time before his captain of the track and field team older sister could get to him. She got real close but he eventually he got away fading off into the distance. "asshole!" She yelled out to herself in defeat. He had always been a pain in her ass she thought, but then again little brothers are supposed to be like that. They're four years apart so she figured with Dustin being thirteen and in eighth grade he was bound to start heading into the shithead years. She misses how they used to be, when he was younger. Him and his friends would constantly be at the house and she was always forced to babysit, but she secretly enjoyed hanging out with the group of boys although she would never fully admit that. However as they got older and Diana went to high school, things started to change. Especially last year, when Dustin seemed to have spent every waking moment with his friend group. Diana knew it was because one of the boys, will had gone missing. Ever since then Dustin and his friends haven't spent one day apart.

Diana was then pulled from her thoughts when the phone on her bedside table began to ring. She smiled to herself, sitting down on her bed and picking up the phone.

"Hey babe" a boy said on the other end of the phone line. She knew immediately who it was, David Montgomery. He was a blonde charming boy a year older than her. he was the captain of the baseball team and what dustin liked to call "Diana's latest obsession"

"Am I still picking you up tomorrow before school?"

"Of course you are, is that the reason you called?"

"No I just wanted an excuse to talk to you" he smirked on the other end. The two had just recently started going out after they met in English class the year prior. He was definitely one of the more popular boys like Harrington but unlike them, to Diana, David was kind. he didn't seem to really care about his image and or of what people thought of him the way she could tell those boys do. That's what Diana liked the most about David; he wasn't afraid to be his true authentic self. Opposed to the king of Hawkins himself, Steve Harrington, who tried so hard to be Mr cool all the time.

"So what are your Halloween plans this year?" The boy asked

"Not sure yet why?"

"Well there's this party that Tina trescott is throwing I figured maybe we could go together?"

"Sounds like fun I'm in" the two then talked on the phone all night until they both fell asleep.

The next morning David pulled up to the Henderson house and Diana opened the door picking up her backpack from off the hook on the wall "Last chance Dustin! David's here! Do you want a ride or not!" She yelled out to her younger brother

"I'd rather kill my self but thanks!" Dustin yelled out from the kitchen. She could hear there mother scolding him for the comment. It's not that Dustin didn't like David it's just that.... he hated him.

Dustin looked up to his sister or at least he used to. He used to think she was the coolest person ever but then that all changed about a year ago. She became less interested in knowing what was going on with him and started to instead care more about her looks and of course this boy. He noticed she woke up extra early every morning just to paint her face and straighten her natural wavy hair. She never did that before. She even stopped hanging out with old friends, he thought it was probably because now this boy took up all of her attention. Dustin thought that there had to be something wrong with david, because to him he changed Diana.

She sighed not wanting to argue with her brother, so she rolled her eyes and ran out of the house and into David's silver camero. She's kinda glad Dustin didn't take the ride now that she thinks of it, he probably would sit there and mock David about his car and say something like daddy's money. Which isn't entirely inaccurate. To say David's family was rich would be an understatement. His father is attorney general at one of the biggest law firms in Hawkins. Daddy's money would be an accurate description of the boy.

"That'll be $5 for the trip and I do expect to be tipped for my taxi services" David joked as the pair arrived to the student parking lot of Hawkins high

"Wow rates are running high these days" Diana laughed looking over at the boy

"What can I say times are tuff" David said in a terrible New York accent

"How bout a kiss instead"

"You drive a hard bargain miss"  he said still keeping up the terrible accent

"Your an idiot David Montgomery" she said with the biggest smile on her face

"And your beautiful Diana Henderson" he cupped her face as he kissed her. but, they were suddenly pulled from their moment when loud music blared loudly from a car that whipped into the parking lot way too fast in front of them. They looked to see a little girl get out and slam the car door. Driving was a curly blonde haired older boy that was smoking a cigarette. He yelled something at the girl before she took out a skateboard and rode down to the junior high that was across the street.

"Who's that?" Diana said referring to the tall gym junky with a curly blonde mullet and a demeanor, that said not to fuck with him. She thought that if you were to look up the word trouble in the dictionary all you would see is a picture of this man.

"The license plate says California, must be new"

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