Chapter-2 Conditions & Alterations

Start from the beginning

Speaking of which....

[The first condition]

"Everyone gets an equal chance in this new world," Aaron declared to the void, brushing off his uniform as he rose from the dirty floor.

The "conditions" were established based on the outcome of Aaron and the lady's game. However, the results were not equal. The boy had been granted the privilege of setting the conditions, with the lady retaining the authority to adjust them to a suitable draw, as she saw fit. The key sentence being the latter, as the lady could very well have laid a crushing obstacle over the boy for shits and giggles.

"The first condition, equality. In exchange for everyone being afforded equal opportunities for success, they will face challenges tailored to each individual's strengths and intellect," Aaron mused aloud.

"I suppose ■■■■■■■■■'s alteration was to send us into this labyrinth look-alike."

Inspecting the walls and the lanterns hanging from the black ceiling, the boy stared ahead, his gaze piercing into a seemingly endless hallway illuminated by the azure flames of metal cages.

[The second condition]

"Serena! Claris!" Mera rushed to embrace her two friends, who welcomed the reunion. "Mera! What's happening!? What did Aaron do!?" Claris frantically questioned her friend.

Meanwhile, with the blond...

"Oi! Felix! Is that you!?" A black male cheerfully sprinted towards his friend in a state of panic, his muscular stature and height easily rivalling that of Felix. "Macro, you're here too?!" the blond called back, a smile spreading across his face.

"At the cost of everyone gathering in groups, the challenges increase in difficultly, and I... end up alone, huh?" The implications of this condition could range from challenging to outright unfair. The upcoming obstacles were intended to be tackled by a group, and now that Aaron found himself alone, he couldn't discern whether the lady had conditioned them to this situation or not.

"Whatever reeks ahead, I'm on my own. Simply put, I can't afford to die here..... or do I? Whatever, I'll just leave the mental issues until I step outside of here."

His scar itched, and naturally, he loosened his tie to relieve the itch......




After covering a fair distance, Aaron encountered what appeared to be the first obstacle. Maybe.

The remains of a skeleton clad in rusty armor, laying against the wall, its metal plates bearing numerous slashes and damages, some of which were beginning to fall off.

In one hand, the corpse clutched what appeared to be a bottle of wine. "Oh!" The boy immediately ducked down and seized it, inspecting its surprisingly well-preserved state. Gripping the cork tightly, he pulled back, and a sharp "pop!" echoed as the smell of wine assailed his senses.

"Jesus!" He pinched his nose shut with his fingers, holding the bottle away from him. Thankfully, the smell wasn't that of vinegar; if it had been, it would mean the wine had gone bad. "The fruity smell is too strong. What kind of fruits did they use in this?"

Although it may seem far-fetched to find wine of all things in a different world, the concept wasn't implausible. Someone would always think of utilizing grapes, someone would eventually experiment with them, and then someone foolish enough would come along and consume the remnants of it.

And voila, wine. Because no human would pass up the opportunity to drink something and feel a little funny.

"Well then, let's see what quality drinks this world has to offer."

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