Prologue: Aaron

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Hello! This is my first ever book! I'm not an expert, and I don't aim to make something too grand. I'll try to update in my free time!

[Land's Elites Private School]

"Lisa," the teacher called out, scanning the classroom with a chart in hand to mark attendance. "Present," the student promptly responded. "Alex," the teacher continued, moving down the list. "Here," came the reply from another student.

"Mera," the teacher spoke, her gaze fixed on a girl who was absentmindedly toying with her somewhat messy plum hair, lost in the view outside the window. "Mera?" The teacher repeated, noticing the girl's distraction, yet receiving no response.

"Mera, silkwest!" the teacher finally ran out of patience, exasperated. "Ugh, what do you want?!" Mera snapped out, her response harsh, causing her teacher to flinch back in surprise.

"N-nothing! Just checking for-" she couldn't even finish her words, interrupted by Mera's vicious glare. "Well, maybe just write my name down on the damn chart if you can already see I'm here!" she retorted sharply.

The class fell into an uneasy silence as the teacher gulped nervously, adjusting her glasses before deciding to continue checking for attendance. "Aaron?" she called out, scanning the room for the student. "Aaron?"

One student raised their hand, catching the teacher's attention as he spoke up, "Aaron isn't here today either." The student glanced over at a pair of boys who were wrapped in bandages, one with a broken arm and the other with a broken leg.

Notably, Mera's glare intensified, directed like daggers at the two boys, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact as if their lives depended on it.

"I see.... then, let's start the listen for today."

Time passed seamlessly for Mera, her eyes either staring blankly or closed. Neither the teacher nor the students dared to call her out on her distant demeanor. In the meantime, Mera could only dwell on a single memory-a memory that included her and a boy of jet-black hair and amber eyes. The boy's face bore the marks of illness, exhausted and drained, yet a steadfast smile remained on his lips.

He offered her a wrapped gift, and her younger self hastily opened it. A mocking grin spread across her face as she dangled a necklace from the wrapping. She spoke harsh words, words that wounded the boy deeply. Her foolish actions haunted her, a painful reminder of her callousness.

"I'm an awful person," Mera whispered to herself.

Mera Silkwest, a genius from birth, they say. Her body not only endowed with superior strength but her feminine features surpassing most. From history to other subjects, Mera excelled in each and every one, skipping multiple grades and standing out as one of the two known students to achieve such a feat.

With her multitude of talents, Mera was a prodigy that left others in the dust. Yet, it was this very truth that led her to ruin one of her most precious relationships.


The lunch bell chimed, signaling the start of the midday break. Mera remained indifferent to the flurry of students rushing downstairs to grab lunch from the cafeteria. Two girls settled down beside Mera, placing their lunch boxes on the desk.

"Oi! Serena! What's with all the shrimp?!" A girl with crimson eyes and black-dyed hair pointed at her friend's lunch. "Oh, mind your own business, Claris! You've got two entire burgers! Keep it up, and your thighs will be clapping with every step!" Serena retorted, her red wavy hair cascading around her.

"Both of you, quiet down," Mera interjected sharply, her glare silencing them instantly. "So, what did you get?" she demanded, her tone cutting through the chatter.

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