The Sacrifice (Demon)

Start from the beginning

He heard singing, not screaming. His underlings were standing at the opening of the mouth, hypnotized at the voice of the tribute. In the pale moonlight, the young woman in the white gown was singing while chained to the stone. A few of the underlings had moved out, slowly. They were listening to her song of sailing ships and creatures below. Balthazar become hypnotized too.

Samara watched the little ones, maybe four feet in height, stand at the mouth of the cave as she sang. They cocked their heads like they were listening to her song. She continued to sing to the creatures. A few ventured out, stopping again to listen more.

A larger demon emerged from the cave's mouth. He was taller and broader than the rest. He stood straight like a human man. He was different. For starters, he was wearing clothes where the others were nude. The little ones were a dark reddish color and hairless. He was black skinned with white marking on his face with pale eyes. As he approached Samara, she saw his tousled black hair and elongated ears. She paused her singing to take a breath and began again. He smiled at her. His sharp teeth were on display.

"Hello." Balthazar spoke to her. She was beautiful for a human. Her long black hair flowed passed her slim waist. She had a sweet, innocent look to her. He could make out her dedicate features since she was not screaming in terror at the sight of him. Her scent was of flowers and honey.

She stopped singing. Her eyes roamed over the demon's face. Samara regarded him as handsome, not repulsive like the elders would always say demons were. Maybe the elders never met this one. There was an air of power and control about him. Could he be the demon king she has heard about, the one named...

"I'm Balthazar. May I ask your name?" He asked.

"Samara." She tried to keep the fear out of her voice. Without her singing, the underlings were coming closer.

"That is a beautiful name. Tell me for I am curious, why sing when you should scream?" He implored, watching her. Her breath was increasing as the underlings draw near. He could see her fear now. Only the fear of pain, not of death. She interested him.

"I volunteered as the tribute this year. I know what will become of me. I thought singing would sound nicer than screaming." Samara replied. There was an underling close to her foot. She felt the wetness of a tongue lick her toes. She bit her lips to keep from crying out.

Balthazar hissed at the underling who scurried back from them. He was not done talking with her yet. "You volunteered to be eaten by demons, why?"

"To take control of my fate. I have seen too much death. I will choose my own destiny. This is my choice." Samara explained, baring her neck to him. Her crown of flower tumbled off her head. "Please, make it quick." Balthazar moved his face to her neck. Her scent made his body go tight. Something that had never happen before. He felt something shift and move inside him. This was her destiny, only just a small part of it.

Balthazar lifted his claws to her chest. Above her heart, he pressed his index claw to the flesh. It was just enough to leave an indentation. Lines appeared in her skin from the mark. This was his sigil. He marked her to warn others from touching her. She was his now.

His actions surprised her. Samara thought for sure he would be ripping out her throat, drinking her blood by now. There was a brand on her breast, and he was unlocking the chains from her wrists with his claws.

"You are mine now. Your destiny is in my hands." Balthazar mused, lifting her into his arms bridal style. She was speechless. She simple wrapped her arms around his neck. There was nothing else she could do.

"What about the feeding of the demons?" She asked, her voice wavering. Balthazar smell the air. There was a band of bandits heading to the village and right now they were dangerous close to the cave. The underlings made their way to the bandits with their king's command. Carrying her to the small ridge, they watched as the underlings killed and devoured the bandits.

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