The Sacrifice (Demon)

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Character for the demon, Balthazar was inspiration by the OG character from Metro Mike that shares the same name. 

"I volunteer as the tribute." Samara's voice rang out over the hushed crowd. It was the lottery day. A young woman would be selected to be sacrifice to the demon horde, living under the earth that night. All the young, unmarried women between the ages of 16 to 25 gathered in the village center. The leader of the village stood at the ready to pull a name at random out the large basket. This was the tradition for as long as the elders could remember.

For many years, the chosen would scream and cry while the other girls rush back to the arms of their families. Under guarded watch until nightfall, the chosen was carried out of the village and chained to the stone outside the large mouth cave where the demons lived. The screams would echo through the night until the chosen was devoured. In the morning, there would just be the bloody chains and scraps of fabric.

At twenty-two, Samara was ready to take her fate in her own hands. Yesterday, she watched her best friend die in childbirth. The child died too. Both child and mother were placed in the earth not long after.

Standing at the grave, Samara looked about her village. She had no ties anymore. She was orphaned years ago by sickness that did not touch her for some reason. The males of the village stay clear from her. There were marking on her back since birth. The village believe she was a witch born.

Now, Samara approached the platform where the village leader and the elders stood. The older men were shocked. Never has there been a volunteer to the sacrifice. She boldly faced the men and repeated herself. The men nodded and led her away to prepare her for the night.

She asked to bathe at the river where she usually cleaned herself. She washed her long black hair and body with the crush flowers essence and soapstone. A guardsman stood close in case she changed her mind and ran. Samara would not. If she ran, there would be another chosen and sacrifice to the demons.

The guardsman led her back to the holding house without restraints. She dressed in the flowing gown of white silks. A few of the village women came and painted her eyes and lips. They adorned her skin with fragrant oils distilled from flowers and honey. Her hair was brushed until it shined. A crown of flower blossoms was place in her head. Samara sat still, allowing herself to be pampered. The women thanked her for volunteering. Their own daughters were in the crowd with her.

Nightfall was approaching. Walking between the elders with the village leader leading them, Samara made her way through the village. People tossed flowers at her feet and praises for her selflessness. Samara held her head up high as she walked. This is what she chose, not for her village, but for herself.

The party arrived at the large stone near the mouth of the cave. Samara allowed them to chain her to the stone. The village leader kissed her forehead and thanked her again. The men left for the demons would soon be spilling out to taste this year's tribute.

Samara stared into the mouth of the cave. The night was illuminated by the full moon, yet she could not see any movement. In the past, the village would hear the screams of the chosen as the men left. Is that what the demons were waiting on? She did not want to scream. Screaming meant that she did not want to take control of her destiny.

Samara began to sing. Her voice cut through the silence of the night. She sang the songs that her mother would sing while working in their little garden. She sang to the demons, calling them to her.

Balthazar began his ascend to the mouth of the cave. Tonight was the sacrifice, and he knew his underlings had probably already made short work of the tribute. He was just there to ensure no one tried to go into the village like promised centuries before.

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