Chapter 20

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Third person POV
"Oh? Is that so"

Fuji's voice dropped several pitches lower into a deep tone. Shadow covering his eyes. The room seemed more tense than before. The straw hats flinched slightly at this. A creepy, shadowy black substance started emitting from him and it launched at the straw hats

Zoro while carrying Sanji managed to dodge as well as Miya, Luffy, Usopp and Nami. The rest weren't so lucky. They were snatched and the black mist coiled around them, keeping them tied up then they were pulled towards Fuji

Fuji with a smirk went towards them and whispered "Fear-Fear fruit: Worst Nightmare" then touched all of them


The free crew watched in horror how their crew were screaming and sweating but they weren't hurt

"What did you do to them?" Luffy yelled

"Is this some sort of  devil fruit power?" Miya asked

Fuji turned towards them "My aren't you a sharp one. Maybe if you were blonde I might have taken you" Miya didn't flinch even though he looked at her with a perverted gaze that would have people shivering  "Well yes. I ate the Fear-Fear fruit. It gives me the ability to show people their worst nightmare. This causes acceleration in heart rate and extreme terror and fear. They will barely be able to do anything besides cowering. Their fear feeds me and I gain even more powerful and can use it as a weapon, as you can see?" He emphasized by sending a black mist at them. They managed to dodge, barely. Fuji then released Ken and Touma

"Fuck, isn't this just great" Nami said getting her climatact

The crew gathered together

"What are we gonna do?" Usopp asked clutching his slingshot. Miya took a look at the situation, formulating a plan

"Okay, we can't fight them all at the same time, we have to divide and conquer"


"Well, scary over there, is after Sanji so, Luffy and Zoro you guys have to take Sanji and separate Fear guy from the group then.."

"...the rest of us will handle those two" Nami said finishing the sentence

They then jumped out of the way. Quick enough to prevent getting hit from glass shards. Miya then nodded, signalling Luffy and Zoro. Zoro tightened his grip on Sanji then they both took off. Fuji left the crew he had captured writhing on the floor while he went after his bride. He ordered Ken and Touma to take care of the rest

"Okay guys, you deal with the kid, I'll take the walking mirror" Miya said before running towards her opponent

"Wait wha- AAH" Usopp's sentence was cut off when a spear was shot right at him

"You guys will pay dearly" Ken said with an expression that is way too scary for a child, venom dripping from his every word. For a kid he was scary as fuck. Usopp and Nami chuckled nervously

"You know I'm an artist too maybe I can show you some skills" a canon ball then shot pass him, way too close to his head. Nami grabbed his hand "Guess that's a no"

They began running from the very pissed off child screaming. While that was going on. Miya was having her own battle. She jumped out of the way of the incoming attack, landing on her feet

"You know you're pretty cute maybe we can go out some time"

"Sorry already taken"

"Well what he doesn't know won't hurt him"

He said smirking, Miya challenging him with a smirk of her own

"The only one getting hurt here is you"

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