Chapter 4

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Sanji's POV
My heading was spinning. My words are stuck in my throat. I am trying to comprehend what she just said. My words are failing me. I try to regain my composure though I failed miserably. The only thing that came out...

"W-what?" I ask hoping I heard her wrong

"Do you like Zoro?"

"I know we fight a lot but he is my nakama I have to be able to tolerate him" she looked at me with an expression that says are you stupid or something. She let a heavy sigh

"Let me rephrase it, do you love Zoro" I really didn't mishear her, why is she asking that "Miya~san I-I am sorry I think you are mistaken I don't and will never think of the Marimo like that especially with beauties such as yourself in this world"

I can feel my hands trembling and sweat running down my face. 'Why would she ask something like that? The Marimo and I that would be, I mean I don't know'

"Sanji, I am trying to have a serious conversation with you so I am going to ask again, do you love Zoro?" "I don't-" "Sanji! You being constantly worried, way more than the rest of us, the lack of sleep, taking extra shifts and to top it all of the expression on your face and the look in your eyes when you look at him. I've seen it countless times more so now that he is in a coma. You know I am good at reading eyes and the expression they hold in them so you know I'm not wrong. The way you've been acting is different, more depressed, and even your over the top cooing at Robin, Nami and I has reduced to a less extreme level. I am pretty sure you know but you just keep suppressing it" she turned and looked me straight in the eye "Sanji I am going to ask you again Do you love Zoro?"

'I've been acting different?' My heart is beating faster, the question sinning in my head 'Do I love Zoro?' " I-I don't know"

"Well I guess that's progress, I will give you time to think it through when you find your answer you can tell me" she walked away leaving me alone with my thoughts
It was my shift to watch the ship so climbed up to the crowsnest. Once I entered my sense of smell was assaulted by an oddly familiar and comforting 'Smells like Zoro,....Zoro' damn I'm thinking back to Miya~san's question. That was a weird question, what was weirder was my answer 'I-I don't know' , why didn't I just say no that was the clear answer, right?

I lit a cigar and take a drag. I mean we fight all the time, barely have a conversation without ending up in fight, heck we rarely even call each other by our  names instead use insulting nicknames. He is a brute, ill mannered and I can barely stand him, to put the cherry on top he is a man

I take another drag. He is a man, doesn't have soft skin, breasts or is cute but I still don't understand why I can't shake the idea of being in love with him

I take another drag trying to calm my thoughts, the nicotine working into my system. I do kind of miss our fights, I oddly had fun when we break into our usual banter eventually leading to fights. And those rare moments where he would sleep in the kitchen while I cook. His snores though annoying to some where always comforting to me. His mere presence made me feel relaxed and ... happy? yeah I guess I do feel kinda happy being close to him

He is a brute but also kind, caring and sweet. There having been times I've seen him sleeping, with Chopper comfortably on his lap, a real sight to behold. He has a lot of barriers he builds around himself and it annoys me, I want to know him better

I then took another drag. When it comes to appearance though I will never admit it he's got a nice build, I should know due to the numerous times I've seen him shirtless, not that I was staring or anything. His tanned skin which has so many scars does not make him look worse maybe better. The calloused hands rough yet soft, I know due to the number of time I have had contact with them. They send a slight spark when we get into contact. And finally the green hair, I make fun of it a lot but it does add a special touch to his look. I shall never admit it out loud but Zoro is attractive.

Proof of his attractiveness is the numerous women who swoon at him sometimes. I remember when we arrived at an island and some woman began flirting with Zoro. I remember a bubbling sensation that I couldn't quite place during that moment. I was oddly annoyed with the woman more than the need to bash in the Marimo's head in which was strange cause I would never think that way to a woman, in that moment I just shook the thought off. Now thinking back on it I think I might have been ...irritated? no .....jealous? of the woman. Jealous, why the hell would I be jealous?. But honestly speaking though, she can't just come up and start flirting with-  damn what I'm I thinking I sound jealous but why- 

'Do you love Zoro?'

My breath hitched, my heart beating faster, the cigarette long forgotten. I bury my face in my palms. I can feel my face heating up

'Fuck, I think I've fallen in love with Zoro'

Words: 969

I literally wrote this in a book at school, luckily I didn't get caught
Aaanyway , what do you think of the chapters so far. Seems like Sanji is finally ready to admit his feelings
Chapter 5 is still being worked on but I will get it done as soon as possible


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