Chapter 8: Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

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Sanji's POV
I felt groggy. My head ached badly. I reluctantly opened my eyes to take in the surroundings. I heard birds and the sloshing of waves

"Where the hell am I?"

Memories started returning. 'Bastard' This is all because of that damn warlord, the crew, Zoro. I felt an ache in my chest, I know he can take care of himself but.... I let out some laboured breaths. I then heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Oh my goodness, excuse me, sir are you alright? can you hear me? please say something"

I heard a feminine voice say before passing out
I woke to a sweet smell, soft touch and my head on a soft surface. I then realized I was on the lap of a beautiful woman. I touched her hand and she immediately panicked and ran

"H-hey wait miss, you forget your handkerchief"

I held the handkerchief in my hand and turned it over and saw the name 'Elizabeth' 'So it really wasn't a dream'
I continued walking taking in the beautiful environment

"Wow, am I in heaven. If I am that would make that lady an angel, and she was gorgeous (shakes head) No, I can't be thinking of this while my precious ladies and the rest of the crew, i guess, are waiting for me"

I then look at the vivre card then back at the handkerchief

"Well the least I can do is thank her for her kindness, a gentleman through thick and thin must always be courteous to a lady"

I then begin run yelling Elizabeth. I came upon a house which had the same design as the heart on her handkerchief

"This must be where she lives"

I knocked on the door

"Dearest Elizabeth, my name is Sanji, you were taking care of me moments ago. I just wanted to thank you and return your handkerchief"

The door slightly opened, she then snatched the handkerchief and quickly closed the door.

"Hey I didn't even get to say thank you. Calm down Sanji she must be an innocent shy girl. I am sorry, it's just your hands were so lovely and I wanted to thank the owner face to face. I can cook for you, believe it or not but I'm a world class chef" Not hearing a response I was about to give up

"So you really like to cook" I perked up immediately

"Yes I love cooking"

"Then do you like clothes"

"Clothes? like fashion, yeah, unlike some stupid swordsman I know I care about the way I look"

"Really? your not just not saying that"


"Then how about dresses"

"Dresses?" 'Oh I see, she's trying to figure out what I like, she's trying to make a love connection (Imagines her in a dress "What do think about this dress? Do you like it" she then giggles)  Even though may be in a relationship doesn't mean I can't be nice to her. I'll just won't go too far'

"Like them, I love them"

"How about flower prints"

"Hell yes. Nothing in life beats a gorgeous flower print"

"Alright then"

Her door begins to creak open and I take a look around

"You have exquisite taste my dear"

"Oh Sanji" She giggles and begins walking then running towards me "I think this dress would look great on you"

I then fall to the ground

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