Chapter 6

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Zoro's POV
It's been a couple of days since I woke up and we're approaching an island soon. But that doesn't matter, what matters is that the cook has been acting weird and avoiding me. I feel like I'm forgetting something. I try to remember what the others were saying to me during my coma but there is this one voice that seems to stand out but I can't remember

Chopper has allowed me to move around since most of my wounds healed while I was in the coma. Right now I'm meditating, thinking it might help me figure out what the voice was saying. 'Breath in, breath out, focus, focus, FOCUS...'
I let out a groan of frustration

I suddenly here footsteps approaching, hoping it would be Sanji, but it didn't sound like him. I close my eyes ignoring the approaching figure, trying to pass of being asleep 'I don't have time to deal with annoying people right now'

"You can fool me, you're way louder when your sleeping"

I recognized the voice, cracked one eye open and saw Miya but she looked more serious than usual. This sudden expression made me open both my eyes

"What do you want?" "To talk to you, I'm pretty sure that's obvious" that made me let out an annoyed groan

"It's about Sanji" that piqued my interest, I tried not to show eagerness

"Why are you talking to me about the shitty cook?" I say not wanting to show my interest in the cook

"You love him don't you"

I nearly choked on my on spit 'How the fuck does she now that? Was I being obvious? Who else knows? Does the cook know' I was getting more uneasy by the second

She let out a short laugh "So you do huh"

"And if I did"

"I bet your wondering why he's been avoiding?" I immediately got on full alert when she said that

"You know why he's been acting strange? Why?" I asked getting fully invested in the conversation, unable to tame my eagerness to know

"Geez, so eager" I growled lowly at her "Well I can't give you all the details but I can say, a lot of things happened during your coma, Sanji told you something very important during your coma and you've forgotten even though you reacted unconsciously to what he said, he is really pissed and upset that you don't remember"

I was shocked, what was so important?, what did he tell me?

"What did he say?" I say impatiently waiting for an answer

"I'm not allowed to say" I had just about enough of her and her riddles, I was about to lash out when she continued "but, we're nearing an island, I will make sure it's just you and Sanji, confront him and make things right or else..." her voice lowered into a dark tone and a scary aura started emerging from her, a smile still in place, more terrifying than sweet "I sure Luffy would understand if we need a new swordsman" I was scared at that moment. I regained my composure slowly but eventually

"R-right and thanks" She got up and dusted herself off, turning her back towards me, getting ready to leave

"We're arriving at the island tomorrow so you have a couple of hours to figure out how your going to confront him. I don't care how just get it done before we return to the ship. No excuses" and with that she left

'What the hell did he tell me?'

The crew was getting ready for the departure. The ship was docked and hidden . And witch was giving out orders

"So Zoro and Miya will guard the ship, Sanji, Luffy and Chopper will go food shopping, Ussop and Franky will go buy supplies for the ship, and finally Robin and I will go clothes shopping and check out the island. Any objections?"

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