Chapter 17

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I decided to post the chapter now because I have this strange feeling like someone is plotting my death or threatening me or something. But I'm probably being paranoid, right?
Anyway a big thanks to Estherhunt5 for helping me with the fight scene. Now to the story

Their swords clashed and the epic force pushed them backwards

"Wow Roronoa, impressive" Zoro didn't responded only let out a barely audible growl "What? don't want to talk ?*smirks* fine by me"

Zoro gripped his swords tight and advanced towards Suga with a brute force fueled only by anger. He lunged forward than managed to leave a scar on his cheek. Suga winced a bit at the cut but then smug look overcame his features and he smirked. He rushed towards Zoro, swords in hand

Miya and Luffy had kept their distance not wanting to interrupt the intense battle, seeing as it was something Zoro had to do

Their swords gleamed as lightening struck. Though it struck close, none even flinched or took notice, eyes analyzing the battle at hand and their opponent. They both had one goal ; to kill the other

Their swords and battle seemed to move in a dance-like fashion, it was truly a spectacle to behold, the rain setting the scene. But their dance was a dangerous one. Every now and then a sword would land a blow on an opponent, rendering him for a short moment before he gets back into the heat of the battle. So far all they had manage to do was leave a few cuts here and there. Some on Zoro's arms and chest and others on Suga's leg and arm

Then suddenly, Zoro managed to slash away Suga's swords from his grasp rendering him defenseless. Zoro smirked at this seeing it as his opportunity but that smirk soon tuned it a scowl and confused expression due to Suga's expression

'Why the hell is he smirking?'

Suga whipped out two revolvers ( guns apparently but Estherhunt5 wanted it like this, geez I mean just say guns, is that so hard. You know what never mind let's get back to the story)

"Oh? what's wrong Roronoa?. You know it's always good to armed" Suga said with a devilish grin

The only thing that escaped Zoro's mouth was a low growl as he readied a defensive fight for what was undoubtedly  about  to happen

Two shots flew out and Zoro deftly deflected or dodged them, but was unlucky as a bullet had managed to hit him in the arm, breaking the skin and going deep. This caused him to let out an intense pained groan and drop his swords in pain. He clutched the arm tightly, his teeth gritted

"Oh come on you can do better than that" Suga let out a laugh, expertly swirled the gun and took off

Zoro stopped clutching the wound then picked up his sword and took chase. He kept to the rooftops to hide from Suga's view

Suga stopped running then turned to look for Zoro when suddenly Zoro himself jumped from behind, holding a sword in one hand and another in his mouth ( he's not  holding three, ya know 'cause the wound) . He slashed at Suga, wounding his back. Suga let out a hiss of pain. He fired but Zoro dodged deftly

Suga was about to take aim, Zoro was a good distance away from him.

Zoro pulled out his third sword, gripping it tightly with his wounded arm sending a jolt of pain through his body. He dodged the shot. He had tied his bandana on his head ( y'all know he is serious when he does that). He calmed his breathing and ignored the pain. The only thought in his mind was to get Sanji back. Suga kept shooting some landing and others missing. Zoro ignored the pain. He thought of all that has happened on this island, his lover's kidnap and the  obvious fear and unsureness that was lingering in Sanji's tone. He felt anger building up at the thought of the cook his cook being in such state. He gripped his swords tightly not even noticing the pain

He slowly opened his eye, gazed fixed on his opponent. He was ready to finish this and get his cook back. With his all his strength he launched his final attack

"Nine - Swords Style : Demon Ashura"

Thunder boomed and lightening struck. On the battle field both opponents were standing. It was quiet the wind was blowing. The final result of who won

A large gnash appeared on Suga's chest causing him to fall over and cough out blood, truly a fatal blow. Zoro was hunch over trying to catch his breath. He made it to where Suga laid withering with pain. Miya and Luffy soon joined him

"Where *pants*  is he?" Zoro asked exhausted

Suga chuckled and the action seemed to cause him pain

"You*winces in pain* b-beat me *smiles*" He closed his eyes calming down he already knew how fatal the wound was and for some reason he couldn't help but chuckle. He would finally be free from this hell hole of a world " B-blondie is in the Grand Palace Hotel ( this is what I named it right? I don't remember), f-fifth floor"

Grand Palace Hotel
"I-I found it" Enji said

This got the crew's attention and they all quickly run towards him

"Here, Suga Wara, It says he booked the whole fifth floor. He booked it days a ago"

"Wait, so Sanji has been here the whole time" Ussop spoke

"We have to go get him" Nami ordered

"But what about the others?" Chopper questioned

"Zoro will beat that guy and get the information. Right now we need to go, Sanji could be in danger"

They all looked at each other then nodded, all had determined looks on their faces

Sanji's POV
The smoke really helped. This Shiro guy is not that bad

I close my eyes, calming down. Zoro is coming. Soon I'll be in his embrace again, sniffing his musk, feeling his warmth, feeling his lips on-

My train of thought stopped. I began feeling this weird tingling. It was as if bugs were crawling on my skin. My heart started beating fast. I felt a sense of dread and fear. What is-

"He's here"

My eyes widened at the statement. My hands trembling and my heart beating loudly in my chest

'No no no no no no no please no'

My eyes darted to the door as I heard footsteps closing in then the door open

"Hello my love"

Words: 1101

Me: Wow I actually did it
Akaashi: Yeah I'm actually impressed
Me: Wait you actually complimented me
Akaashi: Yeah well I don't want to be sent to the hospital again
Me: I'll take it. Anyway for all those reading sorry for taking long and thanks for actually reading. Here's a video to entertain you


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