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"Alex, I'm gonna go get a cup of tea. I can't sleep." You tore off the bedsheets which were previously resting on you. "Mm." The sound barely left Alex's mouth. He was in between sleep and consciousness. You got out of bed and carefully walked to the kitchen, trying not to wake up Kaya in the adjacent room.

As you turned on the kettle and took a mug out of the pantry, you leaned against the kitchen island. Your laced pyjama cami and matching shorts didn't keep the heat in, you shivered slightly as you waited for the water to boil. You gently hovered your hands over the spout of the kettle to catch the warm steam coming out. Just as the water was about to boil, you heard footsteps coming toward you.

Alex, with his messy hair and stubble came into sight. He was wearing an old Strokes band tshirt and red plaid pants. "You alright?"
"Yea. Do you want some as well?"
"No, I'm fine. I had an idea for a song but I couldn't find me notebook anywhere."

The kettle let out a sound, letting you know the water was boiling. As you were about to reach into the cupboard to get out a sachet of tea, you felt Alex's hands gently grab you on either side of your waist. "No rush."

He pulled you into his chest, and slowly made his way up your body, until he reached your face. Even though you could barely see him, you could make out his sharp silhouette. He held you by your cheeks and pulled you in further, until there was no space between his neck and your face. He gently swayed you from side to side, like a slow dance in complete darkness.

Neither of you realised that there was a third person in your room until you actually wanted to pour yourself some tea. Alex flinched.

"I can't sleep."

Kaya had been waiting for you at the entrance of the kitchen, with a stuffed toy in her hand. "Would you like to sleep in our bed tonight, honey?"
"I want daddy to sleep with me."

A switch flipped in Alex's head, and he suddenly went from husband mode to dad mode.

"Alright then, puppet. Let's go, shall we?"


You poured yourself your cup of tea, and went back to you and Alex's bedroom. You crossed your legs, and let the warmth of the mug relax you back to sleep.


Alex has his hand on Kaya's back, as he led her back into her bedroom. "Any reason you couldn't sleep, puppet?"
"I had a nightmare." Alex scrunched up his face.
"Awh. Well, don't worry. Daddy's here now, and he won't let anything happen to you."

Alex lifted Kaya's bedsheets, and held her small hand as she struggled to get back into her bed. Once she was in, he stepped in as well. There was barely enough space for the two of them.

He placed the bedsheets over Kaya, they didn't do much for him, though. They barely reached his knees. Nevertheless, he tried his best to get comfortable.

"Are you feeling better now, darling?" Kaya nodded slowly. Alex wrapped his arms around her as she nuzzled her chin against her dad's chest. It was fairly late, 2:35 AM. However, Alex wasn't falling asleep anytime soon. His sleep schedule varied depending on how well his songwriting was during the day. It hadn't gone too well that day, so he naturally wasn't sleeping anytime soon. He was still going to stay with Kaya until she woke up.

Alex laid with Kaya until the late hours of the morning.

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