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Alex picked up Kaya from school everyday. He'd wait for her in the exact same spot, and Kaya would come running to meet Alex, who would always step outside the car to greet her.

As usual, Alex leaned on the car door while waiting for Kaya. He stroked his chin as he rested his head on his arm. His beard had grown out, so had his hair. He liked switching up his looks. It made him feel like he had a little more control over his life.

At 2:30 sharp, Kaya would usually come in sight. Today, however, she took a little bit longer. 2:37 was when Alex saw her. He found that unusual. Kaya hated being late, she despised it. This wasn't like her. Alex was also used to her running to greet him, normally with a big hug. Today, she came out with her eyes glued to the concrete floor of the school yard.

"Hello, puppet."
Kaya didn't respond. Maybe she was just exhausted. 2nd grade is tougher than most people think. She stepped into the car grudgingly, as Alex opened the door for her.

"Are you alright, darling? Or are you just tired?"
"Shut up."
Kaya was six. Sure, every father goes through the stage of having arguments with their daughters, but Kaya is still only a child. He wasn't expecting that kind of language until at least thirteen.

Alex looked at Kaya through the rareview mirror. He squinted through the sunlight, he'd forgot his sunglasses. "Now, I don't think I deserved that. Do you?"
"What do you say to someone when you hurt their feelings? Because I'm feeling awfully upset right now, puppet."
"Thank you."

Alex left the parking lot of the school, wanting to know more about that on earth happened at school to upset Kaya so much. "Puppet, if something's bothering you, you need to tell me."
"Why should I?" When Kaya talked back, she aged by at least seven years. The usual Kaya was silly, immature and naive. Alex began to worry that this issue might be bigger than it seems.
"Because I helped bring you into this world, and I'll do anything to protect you from it." He turned towards her as he spoke, distracting him from the traffic situation. He looked back and immediately hit the breaks, barely avoiding a three car pileup. Neither of them seemed to notice.

"I'm fine. There's just- there's this girl."
"I'm listening, puppet. Keep going." Kaya's eyes began to well up, and her voice began to shake. "She told me that I'd be nothing without you as my daddy, and she told everyone in my class that they shouldn't let me play with them because they might become a weirdo like me." Alex's mouth opened wide. These kids, they were so young. This rate of bullying at such a young age, he'd never seen it before. He also never thought his career would affect Kaya's school life, but apparently it did. He thought that was all, but she kept going.

"She said that if you touched me, you'd become ugly times infinity plus one."
"Did you say anything back?"
"I told her that my daddy wrote songs and that you could write a song about her and everybody would hate her forever."
"Did she respond?"
"She said your songs were horrible and that your band doesn't deserve to be famous." Whose daughter was this? Who could possibly raise their child so horribly that their kid thinks making comments about other kids' parents' jobs like that is okay? Kaya has never had any control over what her parents did for a living. Why do people care? Why do primary schoolers care?

Alex pulled the car over so he could talk to Kaya properly. It really hurt when he realised she was getting picked on at school because of something she couldn't control.

"Kaya, listen to me. The next time that girl speaks to you like that, tell them your daddy won seven brit awards and was nominated for several grammys. If they keep going after that, tell me and I'll deal with them myself. Got it?"
"Yes, daddy."
"I'll do absolutely anything to protect you, puppet. If I need to, I'll jump over the playground fence to fly you out of their reach." Kaya let out a giggle. "Will you really?"
"Oh absolutely. I'm not your daddy for nothing."
"Thank you, daddy."
"You're so welcome, puppet."

As Alex continued to drive Kaya back home, Kaya returned back to her usual self. Alex reassured her that if anyone laid their hands on her, he'd be right there to help. He hated that she had to deal with things like this in the first place, but he couldn't quit his job because some cunts couldn't raise their children with basic manners. Kaya would probably experience more things like this as she grew up. Alex couldn't prevent it from happening, but he made a promise to himself to always be by her side if she needed it.

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