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You had married Alex two years ago. It seemed like he'd never propose. He just wasn't the type to do that, to bind himself to another person. After years of going on dates, following him on tour with his band, staying over at each other's houses, and doing the devils tango, he had bought you a breathtaking vintage ring. One crisp spring evening, he took out a pocket sized red box out from his jean's pocket, and revealed the ring to your widened eyes.

You said yes.

Even before he'd proposed, you knew a part of him loved children. Even though he wasn't as committed to a long term relationship as you'd like, a part of him wanted to nurture, and love a tiny human.

You knew that part of him existed ever since you had toured with the Arctic Monkeys. After each gig, Alex would take photos and sign autographs for the anticipating fans waiting at the stage door. He'd immediately say hi to the kids and teenagers first, who were waiting with their parents. He'd gladly give them high fives, hugs and fist bumps. He'd carefully sign their records and take pictures with them. He was so gentle, so caring. His face would immediately soften while interacting with them. With the older fans he was still nice, but nothing could beat his face when he saw how many young fans he truly had.

The night he proposed, you had a surprise as well.

"I'm pregnant."

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