34. Decision

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Fox's pov


"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" Tod says as I sit beside him on the couch. Livia had gone to the bathroom upstairs, for whatever reason she had.

"Keep your voice shut, she'll hear you. And I don't know what we are, yet. It's complicated." I explain but my brother only raises a brow as if not understanding.

"Well tell me about her then, how did y'all meet, what's she like, when did this start...?" Tod asks.

"She's Livia, Liv for short-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Yeah I figured, you say her name like twenty times a minute."

"Shut up and let me continue." I roll my eyes but with a smile on my lips, "she's the same age as me and has good grades, she's really smart and nice when you get to know her."

"And I guess a good kisser from the way you two were tangled together."

"You weren't supposed to see that!" I cover my face with hands from embarrassment.

"So you really really like her." My brother smirks and I cringe.

"Is it a crime?" I ask and he shakes his head looking slightly annoyed by my response.

"No. I'm just saying that don't let a silly teenage romance affect the decision-"

"Not now", I cut him off and shake my head, "and this isn't a silly little romance, you don't understand." I whisper to him, because I was afraid Livia might somehow hear.

"Come on Fox, you know it's the right thing to do-" Tod whispers and tries to take an authority figure who knows exactly what's right and wrong decisions.

"I said not now!" I shut him up, rudely than it was supposed to come out. "Let's discuss about this later."

Just then we hear the staircase creak behind me. "Liv." I smile at her as if none of the conversation had happened.

"Twenty-one time." Tod whispers playfully so only I can hear it.

"Keep that mouth shut." I hiss but can't help the smile appearing on my lips.

"I should probably get going." Livia interrupts suddenly, her voice cracking.

"What? Why?" I ask, suddenly cautious of her blank expression. Her eyes were glazed, face pale as a ghost and I could see a faint shakiness on her hands.

"Mom said I have to come home early." She clearly lies, staring at her Converses again.

"You okay?" I make sure.

She nods but not quite plausibly.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Livia." Tod says to her.

Liv raises a weak smile on her lips, "It was nice meeting you too. Maybe we'll see again."

"Yeah." Tod replies. "Maybe." I give him a glare for the last word.

"I can escort you to your house." I say, but it wasn't really a 'can' because I would never let her walk away alone looking that unwell.

"No need-" she starts but I'm already up, taking my thick hoodie with me.

"Let's go." I open the door at her. She waves goodbye to Tod before stepping outside, me following right up.

"You really don't have to, I don't wanna be a burden." Livia looks at me as we begin to walk.

"I like walking, especially with you." I flash her a dimpled smile. It was actually half of the reason, but I didn't want her to know how concerned she made me.

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