3. Forest green eyes

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Quickly biting a couple bites off my apple and then tossing it into the bin, as I was in a really big hurry. I was almost late from school since my dumbass forgot to put an alarm last night.

A week had passed and it had been pretty cool, my weight was down a pound and I was quite pleased about it. Leo hadn't said anything to me, and I got over my frustration about my body since I started dieting.  My birthday was coming in 10 days so I already started to get excited.

Although I was thinking about strictening my diet a bit, I wasn't that hungry anyway and didn't need that much fuel. I figured I could maybe just easily skip breakfast. It would probably save a good amount of calories.

"Bye!" I yell before shutting the front door.

I have to run to the school, but that doesn't really bother me that much since it will burn a lot of calories. I was actually feeling great, the lost weight felt amazing. I couldn't wait to see Leo's face when I wasn't chubby anymore, probably in like a month or two.

"You are just in time Livia. Sit down." My teacher announces as I step into the classroom and nod, trying my hardest to contain my breath. I've never ran so fast in my life.

I take my usual seat next to Dahlia who smirks at me. "What?" I ask, still breathless from the running.

"You should probably work out a bit, a walk shouldn't be that hard." She mutters and stares at my heavy breathing.

"I was running almost the whole way!" I argue.

"Sure." She just shrugs. My heart did a flip, why didn't she believe me? Come on I wasn't that fat.

"No, I like totally ran the whole way okay?" I'd worked hard to lose the one pound, I was proud of myself. Why would she say that?

"You know that you have to do a calorie deficit if you want to lose the weight? Not the lame ass walks you're doing." She said and turned away, minding her own business again.

"I know?" I say but she doesn't even care. Shit, I gotta lose the weight somehow quicker. Should I stop eating snacks? Or maybe lunch? It's not healthy, but it's only for a couple weeks, can't be that bad right? I'll just skip the lunch and do something productive meanwhile. That's a great idea. I can't wait to refuse my meal today, they'll think I'm healthy and great person. Why didn't I do this sooner?

With the new power of mine, it's easy to concentrate on my math problems. They aren't that hard today, just the usual. Dahlia however just cannot understand the process and tries to talk to me the whole lesson about how stupid math and the whole school is and how she's gonna be a fashion model in her future cuz apparently "school is not that important". Well she is pretty and skinny, wonder how she feels when I look like that, and maybe even better than her. I just need to lose weight. Fast.

I do my questions pretty quickly, I glance at the clock, only 10 minutes left. Great. I wasn't really in the mind of explaining every damn solution for Dahlia right now so I just slid into my own thoughts. About my weight and Dahlia's suggestions.

I had only eaten like 50kcal today from the apple, and if I didn't have lunch or snacks, I'd save up so many calories for dinner. And if I said I wasn't that hungry at dinner I would get skinny even faster. But was it worth the lying tho...? I couldn't lie to my mom. And I would be hungry then. I guess I could eat normal portion at dinner and breakfast, that's enough. I should be losing weight pretty fast then. If I also worked out a bit, I'd lose even more and faster.

Before I even notice, the ten extra minutes are gone and someone is waving their hand at my face. Dahlia of course.

"What?" I ask, still into my own calorie counting. What would be better, to eat 1000 or 900 calories per day? I think that's pretty good idea, but is it too much?

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