„Yeah, do you like it?" He smiled, turning his head from left to right to show me his face properly.

„I love when you're clean shaven. I love your baby face. You look so cute."

„Heeey." He acted offended.

„You look beautiful, H. As always." I giggled, kissing his lips again. „Reminds me of when you were in the band. It gives lhh."

He laughed at that. „I see you've picked up on what the fans are talking about on twitter."

„Of course! Have to keep up, you know?" I grinned. „I personally love current Harry though and that very much."

He smiled, dimples popping. „You're something else, I swear."

I just shrugged at that, still smiling at him. „Seriously, how are you not melting?"

He shrugged with a cheeky smile, taking off his shirt that was already unbuttoned. „Come on, it's niiice, baby." He kept grinning before he got up and pulled me in his arms.

„Babeee you're sweaty and your skin is way too hot!" I whined, trying to push his hot body away.

Instead of letting me go he picked me up though. „Good thing I know something that'll cool you down." He giggled and started walking towards the pool, holding me tightly, so I couldn't escape him.

„Babe nooo! Don't you dare throwing me in there!" I yelled, giggling myself though as his hands around my waist kept tickling me.

He stood at the edge of the pool with me in his arms now, holding me right above the water. „Harry I swear to god!" I warned him.

„Relax, baby. Did you really think I would throw you in?" He laughed and took a step back.

„YES I did."

„Well, you're right." He said and took a step forward again.

„Wait noo-." Before I could even say anything, he let go of me and threw me inside the water that instantly cooled my body down and actually felt pretty damn good.

„Harry Edward Styles!" I called out into whatever direction as soon as I surfaced again from under the water, rubbing my eyes and wiping my hair out of my face. „You're mean!" I laughed at the same time as I saw him laying on the floor, laughing harder then I did while literally kicking his feet in the air.

„Sorry, I just had to. Feeling better now though, right?" He asked, his brows raised.

„Yeah, yeah, I do." I rolled my eyes, still floating around in the water. „Now help me out of here so I can at least change into a bikini." I told him, reaching my hand up as I swam to the pool edge.

„Come here then, baby." He stood up from where he was laying and came to lean down, reaching his hand out for me as well.

I grabbed his and as soon as I knew I held him tight enough, I pulled my arm back and Harry with me back into the water.
His face was priceless, making me laugh so hard when he surfaced again I almost choked on the pool water.

„I can't believe you fell for that!" I laughed.

„I just trusted you, okay?" He giggled, splashing some water at me, so I splashed back and at some point we were having a giant waterfight, until we were both laughing so hard, we didn't have the strength in our arms to keep going.

„It's so nice in here." I eventually said, catching my breath.

Harry swam towards me with an adorable smile, pulling me close to his body by my waist and making me wrap my legs around him while placing my hands around his neck, smiling back.

„God I love you so much." He said before kissing my lips tenderly.

„And I love you." I rested my head against his chest for a while until eventually the cold water made me start to shiver and Harry noticed, so we made our way out and got some towels to dry ourselves.

„How are you even so tanned already?" I asked Harry when I looked at his already incredibly tanned body.

„No idea." He chuckled. „You know that I always get tanned pretty quickly." He reminded me.

„I know, I'm just still astound every summer and I'm jealous." I sat down on the edge of the beach chair again with a towel wrapped around my shoulders and body. „Use sunscreen though or you'll get sunburned."

„I always use sunscreen." He grinned at me. „And I never get sunburned."

„Maybe not your body, but your face does. You're cute, little nose is already slightly reddish."

He just tilted his head at me with a smile before he jokingly threw his towel at me.

„Heeey!" I giggled, imitating the way he would always say it.

!!Pic is made with AI

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