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Liam was holding August as they both watched Zayn cook

It was almost his bedtime and Liam was already in his scrubs

Zayn looked at them then smiled "C'mon baba, Liam has to go"

August pouted "But, Liam will be back?"

Liam nodded and gave him a tight hug "Of course I will."

August nodded, Liam put him down and kissed his cheek. August walked to Zayn's side and stood on a seat beside Zayn

With his back towards them, Liam pressed a quick kiss to Zayn's cheek before he rushed out


After his shift, Liam went to see George

He walked towards the receptionist and smiled "Is doctor George Lawrence here?"

She looked at Liam "Yes, but he doesn't do walk-in's"

Liam shook his head "Nono!! I just want to see him"

She sighed "Son, listen, Doctor Lawrence doesn't have time for fans, he's-"


Both Liam and the receptionist turned towards George who just stepped out of a hall

2 people were behind him with their head down

Liam opened his mouth but cringed seeing George talk to the 2 who were cowering away

Liam cleared his throat and walks towards him "George"

"WHAT?! WHAT DO-" he turned around and stopped mid-sentence when he saw Liam

The 2 behind him quickly shook their heads, mouthing 'Move away'

But George smiled "Liam... How've you been?"

Liam smiled "Ok, you?"

George chuckled and crossed his arms "Alright, busy but alright."

"Free to talk for a bit? If you're busy-"

George quickly shook his head "Don't even think about it, C'mon"

They walked towards the sitting area and sat down across from each other

"You brought fear into those 2"

George frowned "What are you even talking about?"

Liam blinked "Well, you-" He shook his head and cleared his throat

"I wanted to ask if you've seen dad recently?"

George's shoulders fell "No... He asked me to stay away and I promised I'd never forced him into something he didn't want to do"

Liam nodded "I just... I just wanted to say thank you"

George frowned "For what?"

"Well... There was a time those little birthday cards you'd sent were the only thing that kept dad going"

George blinked "You... Saw them?"

"Yeah, he keeps them in a box" Liam pulled his necklace out and shower it to George "He gave me this too, said it'll give me luck"

George paid then turned to Aaron who was eating a churro

Aaron furrowed as George towards a street light and showed him the stone

Aaron smiled "It's pretty, it reminds me of your eyes

George put it in Aaron's hand "Keep it on you at all times, for luck"

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