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"Hey, you-"

"One of my friends wants to date Liam"

"Absolutely fucking not"

"Ok, thanks"

"You're welcome"


Niall sat down across from Liam and smiled "Thanks for meeting with me"

Liam smiled and shrugged "I can't say no to you, Niall. You know that"

Niall smiled then leaned ahead "I think you know what we'll be talking about..."

Liam smiled "I think I do" He said resting his chin on his hands


Niall and Zayn have been friends, best friends even. Niall is Zayn's longest lasting friend, no matter what

He's been in Zayn's life since he (Zayn) was 18, and he knows Zayn's... Signs

He immediately realised when Zayn was trying to stay away from him, he was civil, but it's like he wouldn't say more than necessary

Hell, even August was giving Niall the 'What did you do?' kind of look

So that night, after August went to bed, Niall sat down across from Zayn, blinked as Zayn looked up at him

"What did I do?"

Zayn blinked and shrugged before he looked down "Nothing"

Niall raised both of his eyebrows "I don't know who you're lying to, but it's not me"

Zayn sighed and looked at Niall "You met up with Liam" He said then laid his head on the table

"I know I have no claim over him, I know I shouldn't be angry, or sad... But it's just-" He sighed and shrugged

Niall chuckled and Zayn looked up at him

"Ya know what, I'll let you figure this out on your own"

Zayn furrowed his brows "What?"

Niall stood up "Goodnight" he said walking out

Zayn's eyes widened "Niall!!" He said getting up and running after him


Liam was sitting on the floor of his dorm studying when a knock came on the door

He frowned, but shrugged and stood up, he opened the door and his eyes widened seeing Zayn

Zayn blinked and looked at Liam, Liam raised both of his eyebrows

"What are you doing here?"

Zayn looked between Liam's eyes then let out a breath "Tell me to go"

Liam furrowed his brows "What?"

Zayn stepped into Liam's room and cupped his Liam's cheeks "Tell me. To go."

Liam frowned "I don't understand what's happening, Zee..."

Zayn took a deep breath, pulled Liam closer and pressed their lips together

He expected Liam to push him away, but Liam just wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck and kissed him back

Zayn closed the door then pinned Liam against it

Liam let out a breath as Zayn kissed down his neck

"What came over you" Liam whispered

Zayn pulled away and kissed Liam's cheek "You once said greed is spiteful..." He rubbed a spot on Liam's neck "I'm being greedy..."

Liam's eyes widened and he blushed as Zayn put him down "What are you being greedy about?"

Zayn kept one hand on Liam's waist but the other was on the door over Liam's head

"Isn't it obvious, princess?" Liam blushed deeper

"You, I'm being greedy about you"


Zayn walked into August's room and the first thing he saw was a pout from the little one

Zayn hissed "I'm late... Aren't I?"

August nodded, Zayn walked over towards him and sat on the small dinodour shaped toddler bed

August frowned and hugged his knees "Baba..." Zayn nodded "Will you go away?"

Zayn's eyes widened "What makes you think that?"

But he didn't really need an answer... Zayn hasn't been with August as much as Niall has been since they arrived

He's either writing music, or spending some alone time, Zayn was supposed to be the one to give August his insulin... And even that Zayn's been neglecting

Most of the time August would come to him in tears because he hates needles, and Zayn holds him until August goes down for a nap

Bedtime became their only time together, and today Niall took care of that

Zayn sighed and shook his head "Nevermind" He smiled "Wanna come sleep in my bed tonight?"


Liam walked into his father's house, he heard quiet conversations then stopped by the kitchen when he saw his father and Devin.

Devin put a hand on John's face then leaned in and kissed him before Liam dropped the books in his hands

They both pulled away and turned towards Liam who was looking between them

Devin cleared his throat "So, uh... The weather?"

John looked at him "Shut up"

Devin looked down "Yes, sir"

Liam cleared his throat "So uh... How long has this been going?"

"There is nothing going on."

Devin looked at Liam and nodded "There really isn't-" He rubbed John's face with a finger "I just happen to want to kiss your dad a lil bit here and there"

"Stop touching me"

Liam leaned ahead "How did it feel to... Kiss a guy for the first time?"

John sighed and got up "Not my first time"

Liam's eyes widened "HUH?!"

John shrugged "It's not my first time"

Liam blinked then looked at Devin "You guys did this before?"

Devin frowned "Kiddo, If we did, I'd never shut up about it"

Liam raised both eyebrows and looked at John "You're ok with it?"

John shrugged, Liam ran his fingers through his hair

"I honestly did not expect this today..."

John shrugged "I didn't either, but I don't know what to expect with Devin at this point"

Devin winked "All the love I can give"

"Eat my fucked up liver"

Liam chuckled and shook his head "This was a nice conversation"

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