Nari just started laughing. "Oh my god, I can see where this is going. Please tell me you beat her ass seeing as she didn't take your first warning."

"No, she took the challenge. I even let her have the first hit, hence the slap. I was just going to lay into her, but namjoon stopped it. I didn't even know they were in there. She got fired and threatened me, saying I'd pay for her losing yoongi and her job. I also told namjoon about why yoongi and i fell out, not all of it, but the basic reason we had a few other words regarding the job and now I'm yoongi and jimins stylist namjoon told him to be on his best behaviour." I didn't tell her what happened between him and me yesterday as I didn't want to get into it all.

"Well, all I can say, Bella, I'm glad you let namjoon in even if not fully yet.. and yoongi, well, just do your best to ignore him. Let him say what he's got to say, but don't let him show it's affecting you."

"That's the plan." I said, smiling at her.

We hung out for the rest of the evening and had a couple of glasses of wine. We ended up having ramen to eat cause we were too focused on the TV series nari suggested we watch.

We finally called it a night at just gone 10 pm tomorrow we were going shopping.


Walking around the Starfield Coex Mall..

Nari had dragged me into shop after shop. Saying we needed new outfits for the night out. We took some time out of shopping to get dinner. Then we hit more shops. We both had something new for our night out and headed back to my apartment.

We decided to get ready at 8pm while having a few drinks before heading out.

By 4 p.m. I heard my phone going off that I had placed in the kitchen on the counter.

I jumped off the sofa to retrieve it..

Looking at the contact number. I couldn't believe it. I looked over to nari, who was already watching me walk back to the sofa.

"It's Pd.nim," I told her before answering it.


"Bella, I know none of you were scheduled to work until Monday, but one of the appointments later in the week had to cancel and can only do it tonight otherwise it will be weeks before we can get another appointment scheduled in. I need you to come in for a couple of hours."

"But sir. I had plans tonight also my friend is in town staying with me."

"Bella, please, I'm desperate." He pleaded. "I'll make it worth your while. Please."

I sighed. "OK. On one condition, I can bring her with me, and we can both get ready there. She knows yoongi, we all went to school together, and I trust her not to say anything. Otherwise, I can't come in as this is already ruining our time."

It was silent for a minute.

"Fine, fine, ok. jusy make sure she gets a visitor pass from the reception, and I'll send a car to you in half an hour, and she needs to sign a nda on arrival to."

"Yes, sir, that's fine."

"Thank you, Bella. Where would I be without you. OK, I'll see you later. Bye." Then he hung up.

I explained to nari what was happening, and we grabbed everything together we needed for our night out, including stuff for us to have showers, I took my make-up with me, as I couldn't use the guys but I would need to use jimins hairdryer. And put everything in a bag. I would just pop into bighit sometime tomorrow and collect our stuff we are changing out of before nari goes home.

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