Chapter 18: Walking a Tightrope [Flashback]

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A/N: hello charms! Hope you're doing good ^-^
I need to inform you about something... it might takes me longer now to update since my exams are starting in April and I need to do alot of studying... honestly the first part (April/May) is pretty easy but the second part (October till Feb) HOLY SHIT... so I ask for your indulgence. ❤︎

And I would like to THANK YOU. The book hit the 50k views OMG!  >w< Thanks a million. 💕
Anyway, hope you enjoy the new chap. (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
See you! ( ˘ ³˘)♥ kisses darlings!

Chapter 18: Walking a Tightrope [Flashback]

New Orleans, Louisiana (Your P.O.V.)

[May 1928]
The strident sound of my alarm clock woke me up from my peaceful slumber. With an annoyed moan, I turned it off and looked on the dial. 11:00 a.m. Actually too early for me to get up but there were an exception sometimes. An exception which made me so happy even to think about it. After I left my bed and made it up, I went to the bathroom to get ready for my meeting. In the kitchen, I quickly prepared some sandwiches with toppings I knew he liked. Putting them in a bag and grabbing my purse, I closed the door behind me and rushed down the stairs, just to almost run into my landlords wife.

„Greetings, Debby! Sorry for nearly running you over." I apologized.
„My my, (y/n). What's the hurry? Are you having a date?" She smiled.
„Yeah, sort of... gonna meet with my boyfriend in his lunch break." I replied.
„Oh, nice. Well, I don't wanna detain you but since I already meet you personally, there is a letter I have to give you." She handed me over an envelope.
„Care to explain what it is?" I asked confused and I heard her sighing.

„I'm really sorry, dear, but I'm afraid I have to tell you that the rent is going to increase."
„What?!" I ripped the envelope open to read what was written on it. „But the rent was just increased a year ago. Why again?" I couldn't believe it.
„I know. But as you may have noticed, the house facade is very old and even some of the apartments need renovation. We cannot afford this without higher rents." Debby tilted her head in compassion. She knew that I was already on the limit with my money.

„But... this is almost twice as high as it is now. How am I supposed to pay this? I can't ask my boss for even more salary."
„I'm sorry, sweetheart." She laid a hand on my shoulder. „But the renovations are necessary. For your own and the other tenants safety." She turned away from me to put the letters into the mail boxes.
With a mumbled „Yeah, I see... goodbye.", I stepped out of the house while I still looked shocked on the white paper. What a great start for the day...


„(y/n), darling...? Darling, are you okay?" A lightly touch on my hand brought me back into reality. Brown pairs of eyes looked down to me, a worringly expression on the radio hosts face.
„What? Sorry, guess I have too much in my mind." All I could think about was how to earn more money. Ask Abraham for more work? Take a second job? I didn't know what to do.
„What is concerning you?"

I sighed deeply as I heard Alastor questioning.

„Well, seems like I have to move out of my apartment... my landlord increases the rent... again... and if I want to stay there, I guess I need to sell my liver on the black market." I showed him the letter Debby gave me. „I just don't know what I should do now... I mean sure, I could look for a new one. But if the increase already starts next month I must get out in the next two weeks. And who can even say I'd find a new one so fast?"

„Hmm... indeed quite a challenge." He handed me the paper piece back. „I'm sure though I could get you any organ you want, hahaha." He laughed at his macabre joke, which actually wasn't even a joke. He would really do that.
Being a bit alert, I looked around the park if any people could hear us but of course all of them were too busy to pay us any attention.
„Funny, Mister Second Jack the Ripper. If I should ever get in real money trouble, I will come back to that offer." A small smirk crossed my face. „But for real, if I don't find any lodging in the next weeks, I need to sleep under a bridge... hm, what 'bout a cheap hotel? Probably the same costs as I have now..." I murmured as I laid a finger under my chin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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