Chapter 2.1: Capriccio

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"...Originally, the definitions of trigonometric functions whose argument is an angle were expressed through ratios..."

April 2nd. The second day of my education here.

"...In triangle ABC with right angle C, the sine of angle A is equal to the ratio of cathetus BC to hypotenuse AB..."

It was mathematics class now. The teacher, Sakagami-sensei, was explaining the basics of trigonometry to the class. The explanations, by the way, were not the best. If more practice than theory had been involved, the material would have been much easier to grasp.

"...The values of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent allow us to calculate the values of these functions from the known lengths of the sides of a triangle..."

This, of course, was not new to me.

"...How to find sine? First, we need to decide what kind of triangle we are facing: a right triangle or an arbitrary triangle. In the first case, you can use..."

My hand zealously wrote down the teacher's every word in quick but elegant handwriting.

"...So how do we find the tangent? If the triangle is right-angled, the tangent is calculated by using the values of the opposite cathetus..."

Only about ten people in the class seemed to be closely paying attention to Sakagami-sensei's speech. However, he himself was surprisingly not taking any notice of the undisciplined attitude. The teacher kept his eyes on the board and didn't utter a single word about them.

Like it just doesn't make any sense to him.

"...When it comes to numbers, obtuse and expanded angles, the tangent is determined by means of the sine and cosine, or rather by means of their ratio and division..."

By the way, not only the mathematics teacher acts like this. Mashima-sensei, an English teacher, for example, didn't care much for his students' attention to his subject either.

"...The sine and cosine theorem is used to look for elements in an arbitrary triangle. This search is used quite often. I suggest you read and memorize the definitions from your textbook when you get home..."

My eyes unconsciously reached for the window on the left.

"...Well, the lesson is coming to an end, isn't it? So, thank you all for the lesson, then."

As soon as he said these words, a bell rang loudly, signaling the end of the mathematics lesson and the beginning of lunch break, causing the teacher to leave the classroom.

Slowly, the students began to pack up and head to the cafeteria.

"Hey, Ayanokouji!" Someone leaned against my desk. It was Sudo, the guy who had a quarrel with the seniors on the first day.

I slightly looked away from the window, showing that I was listening.

"How 'bout coming to the cafeteria?"

Honestly, I didn't expect such an offer.

"...And what's the reason for this offer?"

He shrugged.

"Well... kinda none? Alone is boring." He hesitantly said.

I guess my counter-question wasn't the best. Well, I guess I can go not alone.

"Alright. I can go." I said, getting up from my chair.

"Great! Then, let's go!"

And we hit the road.

It didn't take too long to get to the cafeteria, as it was very close to the classrooms. I managed to walk the whole distance without talking, which made me a little pleased. After getting in the queue for the voucher machine, I relaxed a bit.

The concept of getting a dish was simple: you choose a dish you like, get a voucher and go to the dish delivery point to get it. Above the machine itself, there is a large sign with the meals on it so that students could choose their meals in advance without holding up the queue.

There were many dishes available. Many dishes that were unknown to me. There was still one eye-catching one, though:

The vegetable salad.

Right, just a regular vegetable salad. As simple as possible. But it was priced accordingly:


Very strange to have such a simple dish in a school where each student gets so many points monthly. Moreover, it is the beginning of the month, meaning the stipend has already been received.

Could these points really be spent this early?

Maybe it's just to be on the safe side?

A bunch of people quickly paid for their order and walked up to the delivery point.

The first one got a vegetable salad.

Then the second...

Third... fourth...

So it's not a simple carelessness or accident, huh...?

Maybe they initially didn't get the points?

Given my past theories, it's entirely possible. Perhaps they somehow reduced their stipend to zero...

"Take your pick, I'll pay for it! I'll thank you for your help from yesterday." Sudo said, handing me his student ID card. Looks like I've gone a bit out of my mind.

After receiving my ticket, I returned the student ID card to Sudo, went to the delivery point and got my vegetable salad.

I walked to the very back of the cafeteria and sat down at a table, but I didn't start eating.

After a short time, the chair in front of me was pushed back and Sudo sat down at the table.

"Well, bon appetit!" He said, poking at a piece of beef with his fork and slovenly eating it.

He appeared to be enjoying the taste of the dish.

"Bon appetit."

I raised the carrot to my mouth and hesitantly took the first bite.

It seemed to be fine...

"Why did you pick a salad, by the way? You like vegetables?" Sudo unexpectedly asked me with a slightly stuffed mouth.

Is it natural to talk while eating?

"A little." Swallowing the third bite I replied.

"So, is it good?"

"Yeah." Nope. There are better things to eat.

"For me, vegetables don't..." Before finishing the speech, Sudo was interrupted by a woman's voice making an announcement:

«Today, at 5pm, there will be a club fair in gymnasium number one! If you're thinking of joining the club, you're invited to gymnasium number one! I repeat, today...»

"Oh, a club fair! I want to join the basketball club. How about you?"

Club fair, eh...? I don't think I'll want to join any club, but there'll probably be something at the fair itself that will get me closer to the answer.

"...Hey. Why you keep silent? Are you going to the club fair?" Sudo uttered in an awkward manner, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I guess so."

"I guess so...? Well, shall we go together then? I still haven't found any friends to go with."

I think I could use the company.


I poked my fork at what appeared to be an already empty plate. Sudo had apparently finished eating already at the announcement.

He stared at me intently. Waiting for me to finish my meal, I guess.

He got up from his chair and started cleaning up after himself. I did the same.

"...You're weird." With a tone that was incomprehensible to me, he uttered.

«I know. But unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it for now.» I silently replied.

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