Chapter 1.2: Parade of Reasoning

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I didn't like the admissions ceremony, and I think many first years have the same opinion. The principal and students spend a tediously long time spilling out pleasantries while everyone else has to stand on their feet, and the boring speeches made me pay attention to anything but them.

By the way, I found the distribution of students to classes strange. At the ceremony, all the students were asked to divide into four lines according to class, so I had a look at the rest of the classes.

First of all, Class D was the last to line up. Many people argued with each other for a long time and could not decide who would stand where.

Second, the amount of students clearly showing their boredom and disinterest was much higher in Class D than in Class A.

So, the big question is:

Why exactly such an uneven distribution?

I probably won't be able to find the answer to that question right now. The crowded environment around me won't allow me to concentrate deeply. I'd better think about it later.

Memorizing my thoughts, after the ceremony was over, I headed towards my classroom.

«Class 1-D»...

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and found an unexpectedly familiar setting.

Nobody was there. I guess I was the first to arrive.

I looked around the classroom and slowly walked to the seat that had my name on it. It was against the farthest wall, next to the window. Actually, it wasn't a bad spot.

Sitting down at my desk, I decided that the current quiet solitude allows me to continue my earlier musings.

So, why exactly such an uneven distribution? No, not like this...

Why is it necessary to create such an uneven distribution?

The school is not poor to miss such a blunder, which means it was done on purpose. However, if it is on purpose, where would such a thing be useful?

In competitive events. But there's almost nothing at this school that has a place for competition, right...?

With my deep thoughts and distracted staring out the window, I didn't notice how the classroom quickly began to fill with new faces. I recognized some of them, though.

The girl who helped the elderly woman, and the blond-haired narcissist.

The first one has already managed to gather a group of people around her, actively chatting amongst themselves. Apparently, she has excellent social skills. She knows exactly when and what she needs to say at any given moment.

But the second one... exactly the opposite.

Throwing his legs over his desk, he slightly startled his seatmate, earning looks of disgust from the people around him. Not a pretty sight. Hope he just mixed up his classes and would quietly leave before the bell rang.

As I watched them, the chair next to me creaked, and a black-haired girl sat down at the desk next to me. She hung up her bag, pulled out a book, and started reading.

F. Dostoevsky, «Crime and Punishment»... Quite a strange choice for a Japanese student. It's also an English translation.

Noticing my long stare, she put her finger between the pages, closed the book, and turned to me.

"Need something?" She said with a cold glance.

"...No, nothing." I replied, turning away.

Talking to her probably wouldn't do anything good right now.

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