11 | unveiling the dust

48 10 17

"I know exactly who did this murder."

Mr. Bingo declared, his words echoing with a tantalizing promise of answers yet to be unveiled. 

"And who did it?" Molly interjected, her voice cutting through the thick tension that enveloped them.

"A member of the EOS got illegal access to a special chemical from Somnus Labs a few weeks ago," Mr. Bingo explained, his tone measured but resolute. "I believe the indistinguishable powder we found must be related to that."

"Considering the fact that the bullet train incident happened ten days ago would align with that. But tell me, Mr. Bingo, what does the chemical do?" Lisa inquired, her tone laced with curiosity.

"It's a highly refined extract of a rare plant species, targeting adenosine neurotransmitters in the brain," Mr. Bingo stated, his explanation punctuated by the intensity of his gaze. "Its mechanism of action is still being investigated but preliminary findings suggest that it may interact with the victim's metabolism in a way that is only visible post-mortem."

Detective Garcia's interest piqued as he absorbed Mr. Bingo's explanation. "Sounds similar to what caffeine would do."

Mr. Bingo nodded in agreement. "Similar, but not quite. I'm not entirely sure about its composition or effects. However, my theory is that the adversary spread the chemical through the air prior to the incident, inducing a sudden bout of sleepiness in the victims. When the gunshot was heard, everyone was jolted awake, but the chemical effects lingered, causing confusion and disorientation."

"Alright, we believe you," Molly stated as she placed her hands on the table, "I had my mask on when I entered the scene, making it probable that I did not inhale it and I could investigate without trouble. But, how do you have such detailed knowledge about this substance?"

Mr. Bingo met Molly's gaze evenly, his expression unreadable. "My friend David works at the lab," he explained, his tone tinged with resignation. "He never divulged much due to an NDA but he mentioned the theft of a chemical sample shortly after its creation. They're still trying to identify the culprit."

The revelation sparked a flurry of contemplation among Molly and her team. Each member grappled with the implications of Mr. Bingo's revelation, their thoughts swirling with uncertainty and determination.

Molly couldn't shake the nagging feeling of suspicion that gnawed at her. While Mr. Bingo's insights were invaluable, there was an undercurrent of doubt that lingered in her mind.

Gary's threats brought them together on the case instead of being on the opposite sides of the coin but who was to say it wasn't all a trap?


They bid Mr. Bingo adieu as he left, noting that he had prior obligations.

"He's more foe than friend, Molly. You need to be honest here," Lisa confronted Molly gently as they sipped tea on the balcony, the cool breeze offering a moment of respite from the chaos of their investigation.

Molly's return was greeted warmly. Their team decided to host a small pizza party to mark the occasion and share their joy.

Molly sighed, her gaze distant as she wrestled with her thoughts. "I have my suspicions about him," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But from what he confided in me, he definitely has a reason to be the way he is. His ways may not be straight, but his intentions are genuine."

"I trust you, Molly," Lisa reassured, her hand resting gently on Molly's shoulder. "The case we're dealing with is more complex than it appears. Who are your lead suspects?"

"Gary Lane and an anonymous figure with a strange symbol," Molly replied, her brow furrowed with determination. "But they're just pawns in a larger game. We need to delve deeper into EOS, even if it means risking everything. Re-opening Gary's case might provide the insights we need."

"But wasn't he acquitted by the court?" Lisa inquired, arching an eyebrow.

"He manipulated the legal proceedings. He's staunchly defending the group, suggesting deeper connections that elude us."

Lisa nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a mixture of concern and resolve. "Let's not lose hope," she said firmly. "We've faced challenges before, and we'll overcome this one too."

Word Count: 671

I know its been ages since I uploaded a new installment to this story, but, I am alive people! I have been busy with things but, mostly focusing on myself.

We have new revelations and prospects. Where could this possibly lead us to? 🧐

Anwhoo- hope you're doing well, how's the ONC spirit?

And before i forget xD Ramadan is here, (belated) Ramadan Mubarak to those who're celebrating ♥

Catch y'll on the other side!


Sara <3

Bullet Train to Murder | ONC novellaWhere stories live. Discover now