"We all know it's difficult to leave a marriage... Yet why did you fight him so hard during the divorce?"

"Because I always believed we could work on it"

"Why did you stay as long as you did? According to my papers, you had a steady income and could've filed for divorce at anytime"

"I stayed for our son"

Now it was time for Liam to scrunch his nose but he quickly recovered


"Yes. Any mother would for her children, and I really did love John... I've loved him from the moment I first saw him"

"From the moment you first saw him?"


"The very first day?"




"Mr. Manning, what's the meaning of this?" The judge said with a frown

The lawyer looked at her with a smile "Just a few more questions your honor, then I'll get to the point"

The judge sighed and nodded, John's lawyer turned back to Marie

"How old are you?"


And how old were you when you met him?"


John's lawyer stepped back "Well... If you look at the evidence provided, you'd see my client is currently 44"

"Your honor-" Marie's lawyer started but, the judge stopped him

"Mr. Manning, proceed"

"Which means, 33 years ago, when they both met. Mr. John payne was no older than 11!!"

Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn's eyes shot wide open. They all quickly turned to Liam who didn't look confused

"They got married when Mr. Payne was 21, she was 33. She didn't have to agree to marry him, and with the evidence MY CLIENT AND I have provided, we can see-AND Hear, Mr. Payne asking for a divorce multiple times and her denying them"

Liam dropped his chin to his chest and smiled

Liam waved the CD and put it down on the table, John looked at it and frowned

"It has proof. A lot of it, your struggle and mine... I don't need it dad, I trust you."

An argument started between Marie's lawyer and the judge before he was forced to sit down

John's lawyer stepped back and said he has no other questions.

Marie looked at her lawyer who rubbed his temple then shook his head

She got off and walked towards her seat but stopped when she made eye contact with John

With his beard shaved, he looked like the boy she loved.

She started to walk towards him but George was the first to jump up and grab her wrist

The officers in the room quickly stood up.

George whispered something into her ear and she took a few steps back before she turned and walked towards her seat

George then turned and took the empty seat beside John. It probably wasn't allowed, but he did it anyways

He took John's hand under the table and gave it a squeeze


Francesca was called to the stand, she seated and looked at Marie

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