𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.

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Another week, another day of morning sickness...Zoey fucking hated this, she was sick every morning made her feel so rough. Everyone started to notice how ill she was looking, most people assumed it was her eating disorder but she had been eating properly, and was recovering from that. Despite having recovered from her eating disorder, everyone always had to bring it up.

'Have you eaten today, Zoey?'
'When was the last time you ate?'
'Have you been doing your eating plans, Zoey?'

It pissed her off, she understood where they were coming from but she was recovering, and all these words made her feel like she was going to relapse. And having a baby was going to make this 10 times harder, she really wanted this baby, of course she did! But with everything going on, she didn't know what to think.

Zoey had been staring to show now, it was obvious she had put on a lot of weight, being pregnant really had its benefits. Zoey took a deep breath before making her way into the school gates, she wrapped her arms around her stomach in hopes nobody would actually notice the fact she was gaining weight.

"Zo?" Noel says as he walks over to her, doing a little jog. "What did you write for the drama performance you're doing?" he asks excitedly, wanting to see what she was so excited to talk about.

"It's not even that good" Zoey chuckles, taking it out of her bag and passing it to him, hiding her face slightly."Go on, laugh it up...I know it's horrible"

Noel's eyes widen as he read along the pages, his face lighting up with surprise and excitement. "Zoey, this is amazing! Oh my god, why are you doubting yourself?" he says as he passes it back to her, his eyes glowing with love. "You're gonna smash it!"

"you sure?" Zoey smiles, her face turning a shade of rosy pink.

Noel nods before kissing her head. "Trust me, you're gonna smash it!" he hugs her tightly before Dean walks over to the two of them.

"Have I seriously gotta third wheel?" Dean questions, leaning on a locker. "Because I can't deal with that, I hope you know..."

"No, you don't have to third wheel" Zoey sighs, looking at him in disbelief. "I'm practising at break for this thing" she adds on, folding her arms. "So you two love birds can do whatever you like" she smirks before making her way to the drama room.

"Bye, babe!" Noel calls out, smirking as she walks away.

"Jesus you love her don't you?" Dean laughs, smacking his back.


"Oi pass us a sweet" Zoey says as she holds her hand out towards Dean, a cheeky smile spread across her face.

Dean groans and passes her a few sweets. "Can't you buy your own?" he says in annoyance as Noel holds his phone out at Myles. "Always stealing my food"

"Hey, leave it man!" Noel sighs, still holding his phone out.

"All tonight's performers, here, now!" Miss Chambers suddenly yells out, causing Noel to turn his attention to Miss Chambers. "Why aren't you in rehearsals?"

"What's the point? There's no show without a PA" Zayne explains, sitting on a bench as Zoey and the rest of her mates watch on.

"You think Shakespeare had microphones?" Miss Chambers scoffs, Dean passes Noel as a sweet as they watch on, clearly enjoying this. "Chopin used speakers and strobes?"

"Well, maybe if they did, it wouldn't have been so lame" Verity chimes in, clapping her hands together.

"What's lame is your entitled attitude" she answers back, looking at all her students in shock. "Why should me and Miss Spratt go to the effort to you a chance to perform when you just disappear as soon as things get a little bit difficult?"

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