Chapter Twenty: Sins of The Family

Start from the beginning

There was a loud buzzing that interrupted them and Jay reached into his pocket for his ringing phone to see Allison's name flashing across the screen. She was calling him because apparently, he'd missed over fifty messages from her in the past hour.

He slapped the device down, his eyes immediately going to Derek to check if he saw it. "Uh, I'll be right back." He muttered, ignoring the suspicious narrow of Derek's eyes and the loud strangled yelps from Stiles as he climbed over the boy to yank open the driver's door to get outside.

He slammed it back shut before Stiles could shout at him, jogging his way hopefully far enough that Derek wouldn't be able to hear even if such a hope was impossible.

He wouldn't have answered Allison's call, especially not in front of Derek, but the amount of texts he'd missed was mildly concerning. What if something happened? What if Scott did something again and lost control in the short one minute after their phone call?

Jay clicked the answer button and tried to ignore the heavy weight of Stiles and Derek's eyes on him. He felt like a bug pinned on its back, and if he listened in he could hear Stiles loudly asking Derek to repeat everything he could hear to him as well as the only human without super-hearing.

"Hey, now is kind of a bad time, Allison. Can I call you later—"

"Jay?" Allison mumbled back, her tone betraying how nervous and confused she was.

Jay straightened up, his eyebrows furrowing, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. My aunt Kateshe's been... she's been acting strange lately. She keeps asking me questions about you and, at first, I just thought she was curious since you're my new friend in a new town. But I just... I don't know. I'm starting to feel weird."

Well, fuck. Jay glanced over at the jeep and the name 'Kate' seemed to have set off an alarm for Derek who was doing nothing to hide the fact that he was eavesdropping. His face had shuttered into an expression Jay'd never seen before. A mix of familiar rage and... fear? No, that couldn't be right. Jay pivoted on his heels, kicking a small pebble as he gathered himself to speak to Allison and find out if he needed to be even more wary than he already was about her nutcase of an aunt. "I'm sure it's nothing. What did she ask about me?"

"That's the thing. She asked about you and then she kept asking about your brother. I think she's just worried after that night at school and, I'm not going to lie, I've had my own questions, but I know you're really going through a lot right now after everything and I didn't want to add on to it all." Allison let out a sigh and her voice lowered into a kind whisper. "I'm feeling really worried, is all. My aunt really isn't helping much with her questions."

Jay rubbed at his temple feeling both guilty but also irritated. Of course, Allison would be curious after everything and, of course, her batshit insane aunt was trying to needle her way into his business. Allison would be the Argent exception for him, but he'd rather die than risk her telling her aunt anything. He could only last so long on the outskirts of the Argent's radar with Derek running around as a fugitive.

He let out a tired sigh and looked down at the gravel. "Allison, I'm sorry, but can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm sort of busy right now."

I have to go visit my vegetable uncle and figure out if Scott's mother is the raging asshole alpha.

There was a pause on the line before Allison sighed as well. The prompt dismissal was loud and clear, Jay wouldn't be saying anything about the matter and she shouldn't expect him to. Although she wanted to press more, Allison just accepted it. "I guess that means you're not coming to the game then. I was hoping my aunt could just meet you and get over herself."

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