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"Remember to use your journal! I don't want those to go to waste." Cosmo stated in a neutral tone, as he was just giving the journals to the humanoid celestial bodies. A bit later, the Host gives each humanoid celestial body a paper that had said their role. Last one being Cosmo, the paper would disintegrate once they were done reading their role. All of them had wrote down their roles to not forget it. 

Though some were a little decorative and decided to add some extra stuff like drawings, thoughts, who they thought they were suspicious of. While some was mandatory, like writing down clues, who were evil and who used their abilities on who..




"It's okay guys, don't panic!" Cosmo had spoken because he noticed some frighted or startled by the flickering. Soon enough, it stopped flickering and just went dark. People could hear noises.. unusual noises..

There was some chats of what could've happened, some were terrified, and some were just staying still, not knowing what to do. There were stabbing noises.. hell, it was creepy for some people. Earth was looking for Mars to apologize, but realized that Mars was missing.. 




The darkness soon dies out as the light began to take over.. They noticed that Mars was missing, so they decided to go look for him, of course.  "I FOUND MARS.. HE-" Deimos had spotted him in the operation room.. Mars was experimented on. Some blood splatters in here and there, it was a horrifying scene to watch. There was glasses and syringes around, some containing what looked like Mars' blood. Mars was somewhat floating off the hospital bed with lifeless eyes. He was a failed experiment.

Phobos and the others had came to see the terrifying death scene of Mars, some were crying, especially Phobos and Deimos. And some was just traumatized from it, especially Earth.. Mars was/used to be close to him. "I didn't even get to apologize yet.." Earth quietly muttered, in a slightly upset tone. A text above says that Mars was killed by the Murderer.

Cosmo spots Mars' journal nearby. "Guys! I found his journal.." Cosmo raised the journal up, letting the HCB (Humanoid Celestial Body/Bodies) notice. "It says that he is a survivor." Cosmo added, before placing it down on the counter.

"Who seems suspicious?" Earth suddenly asked with a stern tone, as they all leave the scene, not wanting to go look at the body no more. "I'm not really sure, no one is acting suspicious yet.." Jupiter responded. "I don't wanna do this.. I give up." Ganymede muttered. "I am scout guys. I give up." Ganymede spoke out loud, making sure everyone hears it.

"Guys, don't vote him, 90% chance he is definitely clown. So unless you wanna die, don't vote him." Cosmo spoke, looking at Ganymede. "It's obvious you're clown." He added. "Uhmm.. guys..? Voting's about to start." Pluto reminded.




Everyone writes on a paper on who they voted anonymously (or just writes skip if they're not voting), and then placed it in a bowl. Once everyone was done. The text above them says that Ganymede got voted out.. Cosmo reads Ganymede's journal. "It says he's clown.." Cosmo spoke as he puts down the journal of Ganymede on top of Mars' journal, letting the others know. "Ugh! You guys..! Now one of us is gonna die." Cosmo quietly muttered to himself as the lights slowly start to flicker again.




Well.. this was awkward, Phobos and Deimos was mourning about Mars' death, and Earth still looked really traumatized and shocked about seeing Mars' dead body. Luna was with Earth, probably comforting him or something.. "Oh.. uhmm, hope I don't die I guess.." Cosmo quietly muttered, he was pretty nervous, he didn't wanna end up like Mars. 

He decides it's time to finally give a muffin, he gives one to Mercury anonymously.

He hears some noises coming from a room, and what he could see traumatized him so much.. Someone's head was being cut off, but he couldn't identify the person. He just ran away in fear.. He was traumatized and just sat down trying to calm himself, he felt worser instead of feeling better. He felt dizzy and nauseous just from sitting down..

(What he noticed was that he was attacked but healed..)

He was standing up for so long that when he sat down he felt light headed. Slowly the lights start to flick back on.




Pluto and Charon was just chatting (THEY AREN'T THAT MUCH TO THE PLOT LOLOL). Cosmo was trembling slightly at the scene he saw. "Hey.. you okay..?" Mercury asked, he was concerned. "A-uhhh.. just fine!" Cosmo replied back and slowly got back up, making sure to not get that dizzy or nauseous feeling again. "Well, okay then." Mercury walks off.

"Now.. who did I see get their head chopped off.." (He just hiding the traumatized look of his-) Cosmo mutters to himself as he looks around to see who is missing, he spots a head on the counter.. It was Uranus. It was a terrifying scene to witness, the blood was dry and the pupils was gone. Cosmo immediately looks for his journal, he spots it in the solitary confinement room. He sees his journal, Uranus was the medic.

"Well, Uranus.." He pronounced it correctly. "Thanks for saving me!" He spoke, giving dead Uranus a thumbs up, if he was there of course.




Dead Uranus just gives a thumbs up back to Cosmo, smiling slightly. "No problem, mate!" Uranus replied back, before leaving the room. Mars and Ganymede weren't facing each other, probably because they kind of had a small argument..




Uranus was killed by the clown.. "See! I told you guys!" Cosmo scolded slightly, he was annoyed at the fact some of them chose to vote for Ganymede. "Welp, let's just leave that behind, who to vote?" He asked, looking at the room. Neptune was just confused at why Uranus wasn't there and why he wasn't allowed to ever look at the counter. (Jupiter told him to-) 

Pluto and Charon was just talking to each other I guess, they were the people most ignored (even the author decided to ignore them..). Jupiter was just blocking Neptune from the Uranus death scene at all times, he doesn't want Neptune to be traumatized. Saturn is just talking to Titan about the running away thing.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: good thing i managed to post this RIGHT before examss! wish me luck yall

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