4: You are whole, Emma

Start from the beginning

"She'll need lots of fluids and rest." Maggie told everyone.

Beth turned to Maggie. "She needs stitches! If we avoid it for any longer it could lead to infection or even worse" Beth told the older girl.

Maggie wetted her lips. "Grab everything you need"

"What?" Emma asked, confused.

Maggie went into the kitchen, returning with a wooden spoon. "Bite down on this. This'll hurt like a bitch and we wouldn't want you to bite off your own tongue"

Emma put the spoon in her mouth, her eyes wide. "What do you mean?" Emma asked, her voice muffled by the spoon.

Glenn put her attention on him. "It'll be okay. Think about Simba or Amy. A time where you were happy"

Emma's heart was racing when Beth returned, her arm on the small coffee table.

When the needle entered she screamed, biting down on the wood so hard she knew it made a dent. "She needs to be quiet! She'll attract walkers!" The blonde woman that was once in the room where Carl was exclaimed, stressed.

Emma spit the spoon out. "Fuck you blonde bitch!" Emma shouted in anger.

Glenn began stroking her hair in a panic. "It's okay, I'm here, breathe"

After a few seconds Emma fell unconscious as the pain was too much to handle. She'd rather get eaten by a walker then experience that again.


"Do you ever wonder where celebrities are right now?" Emma asked, turning to the blonde girl as she chuckled.

"What?" She asked.

"Yeah! Like Taylor Swift or Kylie Jenner or Lady Gaga." Emma said.

Emma and Amy were sitting at the camp fire Shane made them at the Atlantic camp, making small talk. Amy thought the joke was ridiculous and chuckled at the girls sense of humor.

"Money doesn't matter now, bitches!" Emma exclaimed as Amy broke out in laughing.

"God, your ridiculous!" Amy said as Emma smiled.

"At least I'm not plain like salt" Emma said with a proud smile, carving her knife with a rock.

Emma put her brownish blonde hair behind her ear as she focused. "Who's your favorite celebrity? Of all time"

"Well Jensen Ackles in that new soap opera was pretty hot" Amy said as Emma laughed slightly.

"You're ridiculous" Emma said. "I much prefer Jennifer Anniston" She threw her knife in the air, catching it.

"I was talking about celebrity crushes. Do you like women?" Amy asked, seeing Emma's cheeks go bright red.

"What?" Her eyes widened. "No" Emma then faked a smile as she turned back to sharpening her knife.

"Nothing to be ashamed of. Liking girls is okay." Amy told her. "And we are friends. Yes you are fourteen and I'm twenty-two but you are wise for your age. You can talk to me about anything"

"I'm not a gay. But if Jennifer came up to me and asked for us to fuck, I'd say yes" Emma told her as Amy bursted out laughing.

"Like I said, wise. In certain topics" Amy said as Emma's eyebrows furrowed.

"That seemed like a backhanded compliment" Emma commented.


Sun was shining through the window, making the girl wake up. Her head was heavy still but she felt better then last night. Her brain was sorta foggy as she ran to find whatever room the bathroom was located.

After three bedrooms she found it. She instantly did her business and walked out when she was finished.
She looked turned to the room Carl was in, seeing him sound asleep, she smiled softly before going outside where the rest where located.

She saw Shane, which was shocking. And his head was shaved. Emma didn't like his new hairstyle. "Shane? Your back?" Emma said, making her presence known as everyone turned to her.

"How you feeling?" Glenn asked the girl.

"Better" Emma admitted.

"I hope I did a good sewing job. You're my first person I've ever stitched up" Beth told the girl, holding two rocks.

"I'll act like you didn't say that otherwise I'll have a heart attack. Where's uhh...what's his name...Otis?" Emma asked.

Emma was informed of the man who shot Carl. She never met him but to her he seemed like an asshole who needs to learn to aim.

Seeing everyone's expression change she knew he was gone. "Oh."

"The surgery went well. Carl will be okay" Maggie changed the topic.

Emma wetted her lips. "That's good."

Words - 1875
Written - March 9th 2024
Published - March 10th 2024


Chapter four published! Hope you enjoyed! If you did please vote and comment as it keeps me motivated to keep writing and publishing chapters.

Did alot of Google searches about wounds, stitches, and overdoses for this chapter...

One of the last paragraphs about Otis being an asshole literally shattered my heart to write. He was such a better character then Shane and he had like eight minutes of screen time.

Anyway, have a good night/day and enjoy your Sunday or Monday, whatever ur time zone or day it is!

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