Chapter 24

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WARNING: blood desc

It was well past four in the morning, the time when most people were in their deepest sleep.

However, in a room of a four-star hotel in the city center, the lights were bright, and the bathroom was filled with warm steam and the sound of running water.

After a while, the sound of water ceased, and Yan Tuo pulled back the shower curtain with a whoosh, stepping out of the bathtub barefoot. He walked to the wide mirror, wiped a clear spot on the surface with his hand, and then lifted his chin to look.

It was truly a sight to behold. There was a large bruise under his jaw, a bleeding tooth mark on his right neck that was surprisingly neat – not a tooth missing, and a bloody and fuzzy wound around his neck. Compared to these injuries, the scratches on his face and the bloody taste in his mouth from biting his tongue were hardly worth mentioning.

He opened the medicine box beside him, wincing in pain as he cleaned and applied medication to each injury. Finally, he placed three adhesive bandages on different parts of his face, then pulled on his bathrobe and stepped out.

The room was still mostly tidy, just as it was before he checked in. The laptop on the desk had gone to sleep, and Yan Tuo walked over, sat down, and woke the screen. He opened the search page and typed in a line of text.

Do you need to get rabies vaccine if you are bitten by someone?

Over thirty million related results came out.

What kind of world is this? Are there so many people who bite others? People who bite others should all be punished, have their teeth knocked out, and then eat porridge for the rest of their lives.

Gritting his teeth, Yan Tuo clicked on several and looked through them. He felt somewhat relieved. Generally, it's not necessary to get vaccinated unless Nie Jiuluo herself carries the rabies virus.

She probably doesn't carry it, although she looks like she's been carrying it for many years and it's become deeply ingrained.

He leaned back in his chair, rested his head for a few seconds, then sat up straight again and typed in the second search.

Nie Jiuluo

So far, he had clashed with her twice. Conflict isn't a bad thing; it allows you to quickly establish an observational analysis sample about this person.

She's good at surprise attacks and swift, decisive actions. Even those stronger than her are likely to capsize here because of the element of surprise, which is difficult to guard against.

She is very purposeful and doesn't care about the means. For example, biting people—most people would disdain such behavior, but she doesn't care. In other words, in her eyes, as long as she can subdue her opponent, any means, including deceit, are fair game.

Her physical stamina is lacking, or rather, compared to men, female physical stamina is always weaker, so once she's dragged into a "strength against strength" scenario, she'll increasingly be at a disadvantage.

The bracelet on her wrist should be her ace in the hole because even when he "kidnapped" her, she didn't use it. It seems that tonight, even if she didn't reveal her full hand, she had already used eighty or ninety percent of it.

He still needs to, try to understand her more.

As Lin Ling said, she has quite a few related pages, mostly interviews from industry magazines, as well as arts and slightly fashionable categories. Probably because she's beautiful and talented, it's easier to get noticed than someone who's talented but not good-looking; before this night exploration, he had actually read quite a few.

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