Chapter 68

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Nie Jiuluo was straightforward, "Well, not necessarily. If it's a particularly good opportunity, one that might not come again, it would be a pity to miss it."

This was a statement that couldn't be refuted.

Yan Tuo thought for a moment, "Anyway, you've missed all the opportunities, blame yourself for not waking up... Let's get to the point."

With so many matters at hand, they needed to prioritize. Nie Jiuluo started with the urgent one, "Where are Han Guan and Chen Fu?"

Luckily, he had taken photos at the time. Yan Tuo retrieved the pictures and handed them to Nie Jiuluo, "Scroll through them. I took about ten photos. At the time, his body was very light, completely shriveled. I poured gasoline on him, lit it, and threw him into the well."

Nie Jiuluo slid through the photos, occasionally zooming in to examine the details, and nodded at the end, "This... seems fine. He's basically dead."

That was good news. Han Guan, listed as number 015 in the Excel spreadsheet, could be deleted now.

"How did you kill him? Were the critical points on the top of the head?"

Nie Jiuluo nodded, "Two critical points, the top of the skull and the seventh vertebra of the spine. These two areas suffer fatal injuries. It takes at least three to six months to die. At the time, I hit those two areas with my knife."

Yan Tuo asked, "Only dead for three to six months? Can't they die permanently? Then what about Han Guan..."

Nie Jiuluo hesitated for a moment, "My knife is different."

Yan Tuo investigated further, "What if I used your knife? Could it kill?"

Nie Jiuluo answered cryptically, "It depends. If you stole my knife and used it, then it wouldn't kill. But if you gained my consent and borrowed it sincerely, then it could."

Yan Tuo raised an eyebrow, "Is your knife enchanted?"

Nie Jiuluo lowered her eyelashes, "Believe it or not."

Since he didn't care whether to believe it or not, then let him believe it. The knife belonged to her, so it followed her rules. Besides, why steal when you could borrow?

Yan Tuo got back to the main question, "What if it's not a wound to the top of the head or the seventh vertebra of the spine, just a regular fatal wound, like stabbing the throat or heart, using an ordinary knife or scissors? How long would they die?"

Nie Jiuluo explained, "You need to understand, stabbing the throat, puncturing the heart, while fatal to humans, are just common injuries for earthbound creatures because they are not fatal. Common injuries heal much faster. For example, stabbing the throat only cuts off the air supply, and puncturing the heart only temporarily stops it from beating. From the moment the air supply is cut off to when it's restored, from the moment the heart stops beating to when it resumes, it's relatively quick, three to five days, ten days to two weeks, depending on the individual's constitution."

Yan Tuo's expression changed, and he said, "Wait for me."

He got up while speaking, and before the words had fully fallen, he was already out the door.

Nie Jiuluo didn't understand, so she turned to look outside, hearing the sound of the security door opening, followed by hurried footsteps downstairs.

Waiting was fine too. She had spoken so much in one go, and she felt quite tired.

Nie Jiuluo leaned back against the pillow, adjusting her breathing gently. After a while, she picked up a sculpture book and tried to tear off the plastic wrapping, but with only one hand available, she struggled and made no progress.

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