Zack winked, drawing Jack closer. "Ah, it's all the reflection from the admiration in your eyes, my dear. I'm just basking in the glow of being the luckiest king with the most captivating consort."

As the music swirled around them, Jack leaned in, his voice a playful whisper, "Lucky indeed, my king. Though, I believe we've danced our way into the hearts of the entire kingdom tonight."

Zack grinned, twirling Jack once more. "Let them talk. Our dance is a celebration of love, and I'm quite content to be the talk of the kingdom when it comes to you, my enchanting Jack."

As the night unfolded, the wine flowed freely, and the merry spirit of the celebration drew them in. Zack and Jack, were admittedly caught in the enchantment of the evening, and truthfully indulged in the festivities, maybe a little too much. Everyone joined in as their laughter echoed through the grand halls.

Intoxicated by both the merriment and the sweet wine, Zack and Jack decided to slip away from the grand hall.

"Would you like to go on a moonlit stroll, I saw an incredible garden earlier this evening." Zack asked, hand outstretched for Jack to take.

Jack smiled softly as he took Zack's hand. "This trip continues to get more romantic. You know how much I love our moonlit walks through the garden back home."

Zack nodded. " I feel in love with you on our moonlit walks."

Jack nodded. "Me too. It's one of my favorite tradition of ours."

With that, they wandered through the moonlit gardens, hand in hand, reveling in the quiet moments shared under the stars.


The following morning, Zack and Jack awoke in a cozy chamber in a castle not unlike theirs. They were surrounded by a soft afterglow. Their eyes met, and a knowing smile passed between them, the lingering magic of the night before.

"Good morning my love." Zack mumbled as he leaned forward to close the distance between them.

Jack accepted the gentle kiss from Zack and kissed him back. Pushing back with equal pressure. It was a sweet kiss and it lingered.

"Good morning." Jack said as he hummed, content as he adjusted to settle himself on Zack's bare chest.

"I had a wonderful time last night, it was nice to be able to step away for a moment and enjoy a romantic evening. I mean I know we are here for diplomacy and I'm technically still doing my duties but... It's been really nice having you with me." Zack said as he stroked Jack's hair.

Jack nodded against Zack's chest. "It's been like a delayed post wedding trip of sorts."

Zack laughed lightly. "I suppose, we never got to take the post wedding trip I had planned."

Jack leaned up and kissed Zack. "You planned a trip?"

Zack kissed back lightly, lingering a little. "I did. I was going to take you to the beautiful beaches at the edges of our kingdom."

Jack practically went starry eyed. "Oh you are so romantic. Can we still go sometime?"

Zack laughed. "Of course we can darling."

Jack was silent for a moment. He seemed to be deep in thought, and Zack picked up on this sudden change.

"Everything alright Darling?" Zack asked his husband, not sure what caused Jack to ponder so deeply.

"Yes, I just want to ask something and I am not sure if it is out of character or if it is my decision." Jack asked tentatively, knowing that most if not all major matters regarding them or the kingdom are to fall to Zack. Jack wasn't upset by it. He knew that was the way it was. He secretly loved the way Zack takes charge.

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