Chapter Thirteen

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**6 months post coronation**

King Zack was sitting in the King's study in the castle. (AN: Furniture in the study is above)When he heard that special knock. If it was four knocks it meant it was Jack. The only one allowed to interrupt him no matter what.

"Enter." Zack said loudly. It was a big room and it echoed.

Jack opened the door and Zack smiled at him. He loves him more everyday. He swears it.

"Hello handsome." Zack said as Jack approached. Zack noticed Jack carrying a platter of food.

"Hello my love. I brought you food from the kitchen. Rian was on his way to bring it to you, but I may have begged him to let me instead. I have news." Jack said beaming.

Jack set the food down and then he sat himself in a chair next to Zack's chair and desk area.

"No. I order you to Come sit here." Zack said with a smirk, patting his lap. using his royal title to force Jack to sit in his lap.

Jack stood and rolled his eyes. "You are shameless your majesty."

Regardless of his teasing, Jack settled himself into his husband's lap, draping his legs over the arm of the chair. Zack wrapped one arm around Jack's back, and he took the platter Jack brought and put it in Jack's lap.

"Mmmmm. Potatoes and Roasted Duck." Zack said as he took a bite and then fed one to Jack.

They exchanged bites and food in comfortable and peaceful silence. Sharing anecdotes about their days when appropriate. They were Giggling here and there over their shared moments and events of the day.

Jack took a bite but some missed his mouth because Zack pulled the cutlery away too soon.

"Let me get that for you." Zack said flirtatiously.

He leaned forward and licked the bit of potatoes on Jack's face. "I think you missed a spot." Jack whispered.

Zack smirked. "What ever do you mean?"

Jack leaned in and kissed Zack. Ever since they got married, they've been finding it very hard to keep their hands off each other. Especially now that Zack is king, and Jack, being a patriarch of sorts. Serving his duties as king consort. they don't always get a chance to be alone. So when the rare moments they do, they take full advantage of it as best as possible.

Zack puts the tray aside, and he pulls Jack's lips down to his. This is not the easy, passive and affectionate kisses from earlier. These kisses are passionate. To Zack's relief,  Jack doesn't question his sudden change in mood.

Jack can feel  Zack's hands on his ass and suddenly Zack whispers. "Meet me in our quarters."

Jack stands, pulling Zack up with him. "I am not waiting your highness... you will be coming with me."

Zack smirks. "Well I suppose I must. Who am I to disagree with the king consort?"

Jack pulls him along, weaving them through the hallway of their castle, blissfully leading them to their safe haven, their quarters. Their space and their space alone. Once Jack opens the heavy  door, Zack closes it and locks it behind them.

Jack turns in Zack's arms and presses his lips against his husband's. Jack's hands slip under Zack's shirt. Zack tangles his hands tangle in Jack's hair.

Zack turns them, so that Jack is pinned to the door. His back against it.  Jack frantically starts to unbutton and derive Zack as best as possible.

Jack is kissing Zack,their tongues intertwined. Zack pulls back, Gasping for air, they separate slightly and Jack presses kisses against Zack's neck. Zack moans as he starts pulling Jack along with him. Zack is walking them towards their bed.

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