Chapter Fifteen

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"Are you ready for this? Children are a lot of work. Trust me. I have three of them at my house." Alex asked Jack.

Jack and Alex were having their weekly lunch at the castle. Two best friends catching up. As usual. Jack relished in his time with Alex, it was a sense of normalcy since his whole life practically changed overnight when he met Zack. It brought Jack to old times. He missed seeing Alex daily. Not in the "I used to love you"way... in the "you have been by my side since 10 years old." way.

"I am, I want to raise little ones, as I know I will be with them more, Zack will be around as much as he can obviously but he has a kingdom to run." Jack stated excitedly.

Alex laughed. "Oh yes. That minor detail."

Jack stuck his tongue out. "Besides as procedural as it sounds, Zack needs an heir to the throne, so we are hoping to adopt a boy and a girl at least. If not 2 boys and a little girl."

Alex shook his head. "The fact that you get to choose what you are having takes the surprise out of the whole thing. I kind of liked the waiting to see what comes out part of Annabelle's pregnancy." Alex said with a smile.

"And how is your wife and that bundle of joy? Your little boy?" Jack asked , genuinely curious.

He and Annabelle have made amends as best as possible. It will never be good between them, but tolerable at best. She is much kinder now when they see each other. So are Alex's children. Jack knows it's because he's royalty now, but he'll take what he can get.

"They are wonderful, this pregnancy was tough, we are unsure if we want another, but I am content either way." Alex said with a smile.

As the two friends caught up, Alex shared little anecdotes about what was happening at the Gaskarth house, Jack shared what his most recent trip was like. He kept the news of the ethereal bond to himself. Zack and him liked that being their little secret. Jack shared that Rian, Zack's servant found his soulmate on the trip. Her name was Elizabeth, a beautiful woman, the Princess of Galanta's handmaiden, she came back to Adoranda with them and now works with Princess Rebecca.

At one point Zack came in and joined them. For post lunch tea.

"Hello my love." Zack said, kissing Jack on the cheek.

"Hello your majesty." Alex said with a bow of his head.

While him and Zack are a bit more informal as he is best friends with the King Consort, Alex was still respectful.

"Hello Alexander. May I join you both?" Zack said warmly.

Jack nodded. "I would like that, conveniently there is a spot right next to me." Jack teased.

Zack smirked. "Well I may just take it."

Jack winked. "Oh please do. Your majesty."

Alex rolled his eyes a bit. "My god you two are insatiable."

Zack laughed as he sat a little closer to Jack then he maybe needed too. Jack didn't protest at the closeness. Zack joined in on  the light conversation, and laughed and joked along with them. Being around Jack always allowed him to put his guard down, and make him feel genuine joy.


"We have 16 children here at the orphanage.All ranging in age from infancy to our oldest being 10 years old. Your majesty's" The keeper at the orphanage in Adoranda.

Jack and Zack had decided to stay within their kingdom, wanting to make sure their children felt at home.

"We would like to adopt 3 children today, two boys and a girl if given the choice." Jack said boldly.

Missing Arrows to My Broken Bow**EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now