Chapter Two

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"Alex, may I please go out tonight. Just for the night. I want to go down to the tavern. Have a pint and sulk that I still haven't found my soulmate. Not to mention I cleaned yours and Annabelle's quarters, the main hall, and each of the children's quarters in your absence today."

Jack pleaded his case. Alex was kind and had a soft spot for Jack. But he was protective, so every time Jack wanted to go to the tavern, and his favorite one being on the dodgier side of town, since they were in the capital city of Aurora in the kingdom of Adoranda Jack always had to plead his case because Alex rarely wanted him to go.

"Fine." Alex and Jack were alone in Alex's study.  Alex took Jack by the chin, making their eyes meet. A sign of affection was not abnormal for Alex. Jack took his hand and held Alex's wrist that was closest to him. "But please be careful, I don't know what I would do without you...My loyal boy."

Jack nodded. Alex released Jack's face but not before he noticed some bruising on Jack's wrist, from last night's beating. Annabelle had restrained him while her and the children verbally assaulted him, and kicked him in the ribs.

"What are these bruises Jack? Who did this to you? What is this!" Alex said, completely enraged that someone hurt his Jack.

Jack spoke softly. "Please don't ask. You weren't supposed to see that."

Alex had rage in his eyes. "Who hurt you." He barked out angrily. Making Jack jump.

Jack blushed. "No one, ummm... this is embarrassing. Me and Dimitri had Some pretty rough sex a couple days ago."

Dimitri was Alex's father Gregory servant and him and Jack were friends that often slept together. They had an understanding. And they did have sex several days ago, in just wasn't what caused the bruising.

Alex released Jack's wrist. The anger replaced with something Jack didn't quite recognize. Jealousy? Hurt? Lust? Alex smirked. "So it is from intimate and pleasurable acts?"

Jack nodded. "Yes. Now please. Never bring it up again. I don't ask about your sex life with your wife."

Alex nodded. His eyes still dark. "I guess I never knew you two were intimate."

Jack scoffed. "I mean, you never ask... it is your business if you want it to be. I am your servant. But regardless, Neither of us are soul bonded yet so it doesn't matter. Besides we are professional and don't mix pleasure with our duties."

Alex nodded. "Right. I know. I just... nevermind... I am glad you are able to have sex with someone."

Jack smiled softly. "Who knows... maybe I will have an encounter at the tavern this evening." Jack winked.

Alex smiled back. "Maybe your soulmate is there."

Jack frowned. "Maybe, but I doubt they will be."

"Do you hope your soulmate is male Jack?" Alex whispered.

Jack nodded. "I do. I have known for a very long time that I prefer men, ever since I felt butterflies for..." Jack trailed off, as he lost track of what he was saying and almost spilled his secret.

"For whom?" Alex asked quietly in the firelight of the study.

Jack shook his head. "No one in particular, just men I would see in the market when I went with my mother, or when Dimitri and I used to play as children."

Alex looked dissatisfied with the answer but didn't press any further. "Ok, you are free to go Jack. Have a good night at the tavern."

Jack smiled as he walked out the door. "Thanks Alex. I will see you in the morning."

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